Chp. 3

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Hey my beautiful Bananas,

I'm back! Should have said that earlier... but yeah! I'm so excited for the newest season of the TV series Supernatural! It will help a lot with my book... Not only that but, I want to know what happens with Dean being a demon and Sammy having to deal with it, also what happens to Crowley and Cas! So when that all goes down, I'll start adding Sam, Dean, and Crowley... Can't wait! By the way, every now and again, I will have it in Third P.O.V., just to spice things up! Also, this chapter is based on one of the Supernatural episode six season two, No Exit. Just thought you guys should know.



Deana's P.O.V.

"Sammie?" I was shocked, I never thought that we'd run into each other, especially like this! "W-What the heck!?"

Sammie jumped in her seat, hitting her head against the roof of my Baby! She rolled down the window quickly and stared up at me, her jaw dropped, and eyes wide.

"D-Deana?! Y-You're alive!?" shock written across her face. I was shocked too! I mean I haven't seen her since...

"What the heck are you doing here, in the middle of the road?" I asked looking down at the outstretched road, fog clouded the rest of the road, trees among trees hovered over us, the night sky almost unnoticeable.

"I-I really don't know." She replied, looking behind the car, "I see you're taste in cars haven't changed. Nice ride." She mocked, stifling a laugh. I smacked the back of her head, earning an annoyed glare from my puppy-dog sister.

"Man, I missed you," I said staring down at my feet, then I began stroking my car, "have you missed me, Baby?" I asked, as I continued stroking my beautiful Impala, shimmering in the dull light from my stolen vehicle.

"Wow, Deana." Sammie mumbled, an annoyed look spread across her face, creases formed on her forehead, as well as wrinkled at the corner of her eyes and mouth.

"Don't worry Sammie, I never forgot about my annoying, pain-in-the-butt, little sister." I laughed, slapping her back, earning a grimace look from my beloved sister.

"Yeah, whatever." Sammie growled a smirk wide across her face. She then scoot over and patted the driver's seat, making me smile like an idiot. I opened the door and stepped into the jaw-dropping vehicle, that I missed so very much. I laid my hands on the steering wheel, and breathed in the alcohol, leather, and all the other smells that Baby held. I turned to get a full glimpse of her, to find some weird thing installed.

"Uh, Sammie? What the heck is that?" I asked pointing at the strange contraption that stared back at me.

"It's an IPod Jack." She replied simply, I turned to give Sammie my death glare, then looked at the IPod Jack.

"Dude, you were supposed to take care of her. Not douche her up." I replied grumpily, she just shrugged her shoulder, making me sigh heavily as I grabbed the IPod and tossed it into the back seat. "I don't even want to know what you've been listening to while I was gone."

We drove off in silence, when a question popped into mind. I didn't want to ask, but I was just so curious.

"Hey, Sammie?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Where's Sam?" I asked, my eyes slightly glancing at Sammie for an answer, then quickly back on the dark road.

"I don't know. He kicked me out of the bunker after you-" She paused, but she didn't go on, and I didn't want her too. But, another question kept on clawing the back of my mind.

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