"Well?" He prompts angrily.

"Well I fell flat on my face then Taylor did the same. Right?" Zander shrugs.

"Yeah, that's exactly what happened" I said, my voices pitch a little high.

I was surprised that he didn't rat me out to the teacher, anyone else probably would. Then again, he freaking tackled me. What the heck?

The coach, still fuming, continues to glare at the two of us with an unconvinced look. "Very well, but you two are excused from this class. Go change and get to your next class"

Whew, that was a close one I couldn't help but thinking as we walked away.

"-and Zander, if you want a girl to fall for you. Don't tackle her"

This time I nearly trip over myself for real. Did he seriously just say that?! My face immediately starts to burn with embarrassment. Oh my gosh, what kind of teacher says that.

Your gym teacher obviously...

As we both retreat to the building, I continue blushing like crazy.

I think half of the class just heard that last comment.


As I arrive in English, my embarrassment peaks again. People that don't usually look at me, glance over and whisper to their friends. Then all of a sudden, I'm winded. My seat was already occupied by a certain red head. Hesitantly, I walk over and sit in the row behind Mia.

After much contemplation, I went back to my dorm room and showered. I knew it was risky since I could've ended up being late to class. However, I didn't want to smell gross for the rest of the day.  Luckily, I arrived a mere minute before class started.

Mia suddenly swivels around in her chair and grins widely at me. "So, if you were to summarise your morning. What would you say?"

I hum, pretending to give the topic a lot of thought. "Embarrassing. Inconvenient. Filled with to much gossip"

Mia laughs and turns to Ebony who's also listening in on the conversation. "Do you think Zander has a thing for Taylor??"

Ebony's face twists into a sour expression but I speak up before anyone else. "Oh my goodness. No!! We are not seriously discussing this right now. Zander and I are friends. End of story"

Mia pouts. "And to think I finally had a couple I could ship. You crush my dreams Taylor"

I roll my eyes jokingly. "Good"

As the girls turn around again, I desperately wanted to ask why she was speaking with Ebony. Instead, I silence myself and scribbled in my book. I'll never understand some of the girls at EFA.

Soon enough the teacher walks in and class starts.


"Oh, for crying out loud. Not you too?" I groan.

Sabrina giggles as I use a towel to dry Storm. Since all the horses had been outside until midday, the rain soaked him. I had been in the middle of finding a towel when Sabrina and Cora hunted me down.

"Word travels fast, if it were anyone else then it wouldn't matter. But since Zander's the head mistresses son and you're a legacy... you're now the newest hot topic... again" Cora, Sabrina's best friend shrugs.

I sigh. "It's only the second week and I've drawn attention to myself"

Sabrina laughs. "Don't worry about it, it'll blow over"

I blush, feeling embarrassed yet again. "I hope so"

Cora smiles reassuringly at me while Sabrina pats Storm.

I still couldn't fathom how I was associated with these two. Sabrina was an extremely talented equestrian who was idolised. She was basically the poster girl for EFA along with Cora. Cora, although completely opposite to Sabrina, was just as popular. With her killer sense of fashion, Cora was the most stylish girl in school. Her black hair and flawless mocha skin always appeared radiant. I don't know how she manages to maintain her big smile everyday.

But beneath all that, I knew these girls had back bones and a fierce side to their personalities. Everyone had to have that at EFA, it's the only way you survive. Well, that's my opinion...

Once I'm satisfied that Storm in clean and dry, I put his tack on and grab my helmet. "I'll see you both later"

The girls nod and continue talking. As I walk into the indoor arena, I notice that I have it all to myself. I guess everyone was having a hard time in drying their horses.

After tightening Storm's girth, I walk him to a mounting block and jump on. When everything seems to be fine, I cluck him on. After hearing those girls last night, I was on edge. Even through my exhaustion, I managed to stay observant of everything.

Maybe I heard them wrong.

As I walk around for a couple minutes, no one has yet to arrive. Shrugging it off, I pick up Storm's floating trot. I had no doubt the arab cross looked adorable today. He was still his fluffy cream colour and had a slightly dished face with a white stripe. What about that isn't adorable?

After doing a lap, we pick up a canter. I start a 20 meter circle at C and then continue going wide. It wasn't until I slowed him back to a walk that I realised my lesson was about to start.

Where is everyone, surely I'm not in the wrong place?

Just as I start second guessing myself, a girl from my tryouts trots into the arena. Sienna I believe her name is, and her palomino mare Remi. I haven't seen her since tryouts so I didn't understand why she was here.

"Hey teammate!" She chirps, pulling her horse up next to mine.

"Uh hey..."

"Miss Sanders asked me to join your lesson today. I'm super excited! Do you know what we'll be doing?"

"Oh, uh no, I don't. I don't even know where everyone is" I state.

Sienna shrugs. "Well the Perfect Three are back together so they'll only arrive a minute before Miss Sanders. But I think Seth should be here soon"

On cue, Seth walks in with his horse and towards the mounting block.

Halting Storm, I look at Sienna confused. "The Perfect Three?"

"You know! Scarlett, Mia and Ebony? That's what everyone calls them" she shrugs.

That sounded ridiculous...

"And there they are" Sienna says.

Turning, I spot all three girls practically sashay into the arena. They were almost in sync. What are they, in a movie or something? I snicker and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Please tell me that I wasn't like that when I got here" I whisper to Sienna.

She giggles and shakes her head. "No, that only happens when Ebony is with them. And now that they're together again they can sometimes be a little... snobby"

"You say that like it's totally fine" I frown.

Sienna sighs. "It's not fine but it is normal, the three can be major divas"

"Well if they continue acting like that, one day it could cost them" I observe, thinking back to what that girl said last night.

Now it finally made sense. Who ever Kirra was, she probably hated legacies for this exact reason. One of them may have embarrassed her or something. But that didn't mean that everyone should be accountable for someone elses actions.

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