Chapter Ten

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{(WARNING: Character death)}

~{(Katsuki's POV)}~

This was it. Here I am. Lying on my death bed. I felt alone, but my mom was there. I had never felt more weak in my entire life. I could barely move. I reached for my mom's hand.

"M-mom...?" I asked weakly. She was crying. I knew she was. She had been crying since two weeks ago.

"Yes... sweetheart?"she answered. I tried to look at her, but I couldn't. I tried to tighten my grip on her hand, but it just weakened.

"W-was I a b-bad person...?" I ask her weakly. She shook her head, her eyes full of grief. I looked at the blurry ceiling.

"Of course..." She choked out trying to sound positive.

"Then why isn't... I-I-Izuku here..?" I ask once again. I felt my hand get wet. It was her tears. "H-he promised..." I told her feeling tears of my own racing down the side of my head.

"I don't know, Katsuki..." She answered honestly. I let a hoarse sob leave my lips.

"Do... Do you think he... still hates me?" I ask her. She shakes her head and holds my forearm.

"Of course he doesn't! No one hates you, Katsuki." She said, her face red and her eyes puffy with tears.

"Then... why isn't... he here...?" I ask before closing my eyes, for what I thought was the last time.

~{(Izuku's POV)}~

I ran. How could I have forgotten. That today is the day that Kacchan was going to... die... Supposedly... I knew it was gonna happen, but I didn't realize how cruel reality could. I ran to the hospital I knew he was at. Tears were already filling my eyes. Please don't be too late...

~{(No one's POV)}~

Izuku nearly ripped the automatic door open because it wasn't fast enough. The person at the front desk looked up only to see him bolt past, the only papers on her desk flying off. He couldn't care less, and he already knew which room Katsuki was in. He busted into the room and saw a very pale Katsuki and a crying Mitsuki. Izuku's heart nearly dropped to the floor at the sight. Mitsuki glanced up at Izuku and smiled warmly and beckoned him over.

"I-is he doing okay?" Izuku asked making Mitsuki's smile fall and tears come back. She shook her head and sighed. Izuku looked at Katsuki and shuddered out a few tears at the sight. He looked like he was barely breathing. Izuku placed his hand on Katsuki's. His eyes fluttered open slightly and looked as well as he could at Izuku.

"I-Izuku...?" He asks weakly. Izuku felt choked up all of a sudden.

"I'm here Kacchan. I'm here..." Izuku says, tears flowing like a river down his cheeks. Katsuki smiled softly, but coughed.

"Thank God, I thought you wouldn't make it..." Katsuki said jokingly. Izuku smiled and punched his arm lightly.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Izuku told him lightly. He cursed at himself for being late. It's not like there was a specific time Katsuki was gonna die, but it was roughly gonna be this week. "I'm sorry, Katsuki, I'm so sorry..." Izuku whimpered.

"What for?" Katsuki asked, using almost all his strength to lift his hand up to Izuku's face to provide some comfort to the distressed boy. Izuku leaned into his hand and put his hand on the back to support it, or else it would fall. Katsuki felt tears on his hand again.

"Everything," Izuku told him in a squeaky voice, raising it just slightly to finish his sentence. "I just wish I could've helped. Even if it was just a little..." Izuku admitted. Katsuki smiled sadly and rubbed his thumb along Izuku's cheekbone, smearing a tear against his skin; dropping his hand immediately after.

"You couldn't've done anything..." Katsuki told him, and despite it being the truth, Izuku still can't help but feel guilty for something. Maybe it was not being there for him. Letting Katsuki push him away. Izuku's face was red with tears and mucus was coming out of his nose, making his sobs even more unattractive than they were, but he could care less. "Don't... Don't do that..." Katsuki said, trying to be stern, but failing horribly, just sounding like a bratty kid.

"What?" Izuku asked, still definitely crying. Katsuki made a limp gesture towards Izuku's face.

"Being sad. I don't want my last memory of you being sad..." Katsuki said almost desperately. Izuku almost wanted to laugh. It was an awful feeling, but he couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry," Izuku layed his head on Katsuki's arm. "It's just really hard to be happy when you're literally dying right now." Katsuki stiffened. He knew he was dying. He knew he was, but the words coming out of Izuku's mouth souning so mangled and sad, it just really showed him how serious it really was to Izuku.

Katsuki let out a disgruntled sob. He's held back tears before, but this time he just let the tears do their thing. Izuku was almost surprised when he heard Katsuki whimper. Katsuki knew it wasn't a very manly thing to do, but damnit, he was dying and he could have a breakdown if he so by chooses!

"I know..." Katsuki answered. "It's hard for me too... Knowing I can't do anything. I can't be a hero like All Might. Can you do it for me? Izuku?" Katsuki asked. Izuku nodded, not able to say anything else. "Be a hero for me..." He says weakly. Izuku's head shot up. He knew where this was going.

"Hey, no wait, stay with me Katsuki! You can't say that and then leave me alone." Izuku complained, trying to keep him from closing his eyes for too long. Katsuki smiled and coughed.

"You're not alone... Izuku... You've got... good friends..." He said, suddenly out of breath. His chest felt like someone was stabbing it over and over again. His sight was get blotchy. He reached for Izuku and pulled him close. For a kiss. One last kiss. And with a final breath, he sighed, whispering: "I..... love... you.... I-Izuku...." In his ear.

Katsuki's arms went limp and he let go of Izuku. Izuku looked at him frantically. Katsuki's eyes were closed and he had a soft smile on his face, if it were different circumstances, you would've thought he went to sleep. But the lack of breath and heartbeat told a different story. Izuku stopped crying. He felt so numb. The tears were still relavant on his face. He walked towards the door with a defeated look on his face. Mitsuki looked towards him and hugged him. Izuku hugged back, butnot as tight as it was on Mitsuki's end. Izuku had to leave, he had to get air. So he left the hospital, but that didn't help his nearly suffocating mind...


Nooo! I felt so bad while writing this, ugh! I can't believe I let him die! I've never done angst before, so I hope I did it right. I'm so sorry! 😣

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