Chapter 5

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It's now Friday and I just got done with my last class of the week, Global Perspectives on Gender & Media. I really enjoyed the class as a hard core feminist and was eager to participate in debates like I did in high school. I walk down the stone path just outside of the glass Recreation Center building listening to my music. I watch my steps in concentration to the beat of the song, Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens. 

The warm breeze hits my face and causes my hair to follow behind me. I look up and squint from the blinding sun. Ahead of me I spot a beautiful body of water in front of an ancient, stone building. I smile at the traditional building and find myself walking towards the pond. I sit myself on the side of stone perimeter with my knees up to my chest. I close my eyes and try to get used to the feeling of being homesick. I sit and reminisce the scent of my living room at home. I smile to the thought of myself sitting on my olefin, red couch with Lilian listening to our favorite artists. 

As much as I enjoy Emory so far, I miss my old life. A life with everyone by my side everywhere I go and having multiple people to lean on. I know I have Katherine but she doesn't know everything about me anymore. I feel lost here, but in good way. I'm just used to the feeling yet. My thoughts get interrupted by my phone ringing. I sigh and take out my headphones as I answer the phone.


"Layla," Katherine responds, "you, me, bar tonight."

"That might be a problem," I laugh, "I don't have a fake ID."

"Problem solved, the guy that lives down your hall, Garrett, has random ones. I'm sure he has one that looks like you."

"What about you?"

"Girl, you already know I have my own," she laughs.

I sit there in hesitation, thinking if I want to join Katherine gawk at hot boys all night and get drunk.

"I'm in."

"Hell yeah! Okay, Garrett is going to drive us at nine."

"Wait," I breathe in, "you didn't mention Garrett actually coming with us to the bar."

"Is that a problem?" she asks suspiciously.

"I mean, I guess not."

"With the way you guys flirt, you both are obviously into each other," she starts, "I can ask someone else to drive us if you really don't want him to come but I don't see a problem with it."

"You're right, don't worry about it," I shake my head and swat away a couple bugs.

"Okay, good. Come to my dorm to get ready, my roommate is gone tonight."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."


I knock on Katherine's door and lean against the door frame. 

"Hold on," she yells from inside her room, "fuck!"

"What the hell are you doing in there?" I loudly whisper from the hall.

I hear silence before Katherine swings open the door. I walk in and see stiletto high heels everywhere. I raise my eyebrow at her.

"No way," I say.

"Yes, way. We are going to look good tonight even if that means we suffer in pain all night."

I roll my eyes and throw my book bag of clothes on the bed. 

"You can, I'm not."

"Seriously?" Katherine wines, "you're going to make me look hot by myself?"

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