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The morning wasn't gray, but soothing lavender and brilliant dark blue. The light outside filtered through darkly colored curtains and shone in a gentle light throughout the room. Under the warm summer rays, Naruto shifted in his sleep and his body was prepared for him to wake up.

But before he himself could awaken naturally, a distant bark from the outside woke him up in a split second and his sapphire eyes snapped open with a jump. The bright room blinded him instantly and he groaned softly, nudging his cheek harder into the creamy pillow. But the light quickly got the best of him and he blinked a couple times in annoyance and went to rub his eyes—


He couldn't move his hands and he scrunched his face in confusion. Did he work that hard yesterday? He felt his hands and feet stinging from what felt like, but not really, pins and needles. His body felt extra heavy and when he tried to get up, everything that happened before hit him like a truck.

"Fuccccck...!" Naruto groaned out loud, cursing at his stupidity. Did his old boss hit his head that hard yesterday that he lost some of his last remaining brain cells? Damn he never knew how strong Sasuke was truly was until it hit him. Literally.

Cursing again, he whimpered and shut his eyes tightly as a level of pain that he didn't notice before made its self known. His corner lip was crusted in dried blood and he could feel the pulse of a bruise on his cheek. Not to mention that slam on his head issued a big, fat headache and he felt as if his head was being squeezed and boiled.

Naruto tried to break and twist his hands to escape the tape by pulling and trying to snap it but it didn't work as expected and he hissed in frustration. Rolling onto his back, he wiggled upwards to sit against his headboard.

Pausing, he inspected his bedroom silently, azure eyes blinking as they adjusted everything bright in view. It was quiet. Which wasn't something he expected after last night. He winced at the sight of small drops of dried blood on his floor that came from him.

His body was really starting to ache and he still couldn't feel his hands or feet. Naruto leaned back and took a deep breath to try and relax his body. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to so he needed to think about what he was going to do next.

He wouldn't try and escape. At least for now. He didn't doubt what Sasuke said when he warned about killing him and Naruto didn't want to test that. The man just gave off that aura when he spoke like that. But he didn't think about that for now. He would speak to Sasuke on that later.

Where was the man now? Naruto didn't hear any birds chirping so he was guessing it was past morning now. But what he noticed suddenly was that the main door was actually unlocked and beside him on the dresser, stood a tall glass of water that wasn't there before.

'So he was here...' Naruto grouched. The thought of him being completely helpless in front of his intruder made him particularly uneasy.

'Where is he now...?' Naruto wondered, listening out for any sounds but there was none. He tried to move his feet in an attempt to try and stand up again but it was no use. Looking down, he could see that the skin was still his normal tan and a bit red, but it didn't seem purple. But he couldn't even feel below his ankles anymore, it was utterly dead. That started to genuinely scare him. What if the tape was resisting blood flow? It barely felt like pins and needles anymore. Would he have to ....amputate them?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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