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/ just sour \





Naruto sighed out into the warm air, his lips curving upfront when his eyes gazed dreamily at his most prized possession.


It was all he wanted. A new life out in the country— away from the city, away from the place where his problems were caused. He needed to get his mind on track. It was quiet but comforting here, a small cottage surrounded by a tall forest, at least a mile away from the other residential area.

"Here you go Sir, the last of your packaging."

Naruto turned his body around, summer leaves crunching under his step. His eyes were a lighter shade of blue from the bits of sunlight that glazed through holes in the trees and he had the brightest smile on his face that even the driver was taken aback. It was like summer really hit him, and all bad thoughts from his mind were erased. And that was hard to even think about.

"Thank you so much for your help Mr." Naruto took the last suitcase from the man, shaking his other hand with a firm grip.

"No problem kiddo," he chuckled at Naruto's sudden delight, "Be careful in the woods out here." He shook a chubby finger in a friendly warning, cheeks flying outwards.

Naruto just smiled. "I will, don't worry." He didn't even think about it. He was in the middle of nowhere, he doubted anyone even knew where this cottage was. Was it even on a map? If it was then it was probably written in the smallest writing. Naruto thought the man was stupid.... or he was stupid, either way it didn't matter.

It was hard to think about. It almost like something out of a movie. A beautiful old cottage with an never ending forest. Naruto felt his heart both leap for joy.

Then the driver left and Naruto was suddenly left alone in the middle of nowhere to bring all his packed suitcases into the cottage— his home.

Sapphire eyes gazed in wonder at the looming cottage that suddenly felt ten feet taller than before although it was only two stories high. It was built on old wood and had a fairly huge coniferous forest that surrounded the building like a pack of wolfs.

But it was sure beautiful. Naruto fell in love with it when he first glanced at it in the photos. Everything he ever wanted.

A shiver escaped from his body and he unconsciously wrapped an arm around his torso. It got cold, was it getting dark? He had lost track of time getting here— surely he was gone for the whole day, his entire body ached from carrying boxes.

A sudden whisk of the wind caused Naruto to come to his senses. He shook his head and picked up his suitcase, and began walking to his home, suitcase firmly in his other hand. Walking for the first time into his new home.

"Yeah I know—Dad yes I kn—Dad no I am okay rea— no I didn't leave the kettle in the old place."

Naruto sighed loudly, running a hand softly through blonde locks. He reached out both hands and closed the dark blue curtains in his lit up bedroom from pitch black dark forest, the phone safely held between his shoulder and ear. It vibrated through his ear from his dad's loud and worried voice.

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