Chapter 2

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1 YEAR LATER . . .

Rin sat outside the door biting his lip, a habit developed to cope with anxiety. He knew what was going to happen when he opened that door. Every fiber of his being told him not to open the door, but there was nowhere else to go. Slowly he opened the door . . .

Yama grabs him by the back of his neck and throws him to the splintering wood below. "What the fuck you been doing staying out late!? I'll teach you a lesson!" The old man screamed. Mom wasn't home yet to calm his rage and even when she was, it didn't do much. Moms boyfriend was a dick.

Quickly he undid his belt and raised it high. Rin just sighed out. If he flinched, he'd get two more hits. One after another the blows came. Bruises painted his arms and little cuts sprung open from the cracks in his skin. When Yama became tired, he flopped down on the couch and flipped on the TV. "Go grab me a beer, bitch." He ordered.

Rising like a zombie, Rin stumbled to The fridge slowly and grabbed a can from the shelf. "Hurry the fuck up would ya?" Yama slurs. Rin brings him his drink and goes out onto the fire escape, the only place he could be somewhat alone besides the bathroom and even then, Yama always seemed to ruin that too.

He takes a deep breath of the cold air and sighs. 'One more day. Just make it tomorrow, survive one more day. Just one more.' He thought to himself. 'Don't kill yourself for just one more day.'

The next day . . .

"Well, if it isn't the faggot himself." Rin's back collided with the locker loudly. All the classroom doors were closed and even if someone heard what was happening, they probably wouldn't care. It was just them, just Gabe and Rin.

Gabe's grip around Rins collar tightened and he leaned in, only a few inches from his face. "What's the matter, faggot? You look tired. Stayed up all night thinkin about how bad I'm gonna beat ya, yeah?" Gabe sneered. Suddenly something broke inside Rin. The last straw was pulled. His head slumped down as tears fell down his face. Gabe's hold started to loosen and his expression dropped as Rin started to quietly sob. "What th' fuck?" Gabe questioned.

Rin's body went limp and he fell to the ground. He turned his head up, eyes squeezed shut with tears, and screamed out a cry. But No one heard, no one but Gabe. Gabe felt something deep in the pit of his stomach, like the feeling when he'd get done beating up Rin but 10x worse. He wanted to cry too.

"Uh . . . Rin . . . W-what th' fuck are ya's doin?" Gabe squeaked. Rin didn't answer, just kept crying and crying and crying. His chest felt like it was imploding in on itself. He held onto his chest tightly, feeling his heart squeeze and break. It was just too much, he couldn't take anymore. It was time, tonight he decides to kill himself.

"S-stop . . . S-stop cryin!" Gabe yells at him. More crying. "I-I said stop!" No reply. The guilt was eating at his being as it always did. In the moment it feels good, to punch and kick and destroy them but then . . . Then the guilt came. And it eats you alive, slowly, and painfully.

Gabe knelt down, fingers shaking. "R-Rin you Uh, y-you stop that right now, okay? You's Uh, ya's lookin pathetic, Alright." That didn't help at all. Reluctantly, Gabe sets his shaky hand on his shoulder and he flinches away. "No, please!" Rin pleads, blinded by tears. "Please don't hurt me again! Please, I can't, please!" He screams through tears.

Gabe quickly pulls his hand away and pulls at the hair at the back of his head. He's never been very good at apologizing, he was always taught that a man never apologizes but this needed to be done. He swallows hard and squeezes his eyes shut.

"Look . . . Rin . . . I'm . . . I'm s- . . . I-I-I'm sorry, okay? Look I'm real . . . I'm real sorry like so uh . . . Yeah. Forgive me if you want, or don't, I don't care." But he did care. He felt horrible. Slowly the tears started to dry from Rin's eyes. "W-What?" "I SAID- . . . *sigh* look, I said I was . . . That I was sorry, Alright? Now don't make me say it again."

Rin's eyes grew in size and shined like the sun. An awkward silence filled the air as both didn't really know what to do now. "Look, ya's . . . Ya's not SO bad, ya know? But don't tell anyone I said that or I'll break ya friggin nose, got it?" Gabe barks. Rin sniffles, "Wouldn't be the first time, right?" He giggles. Warmth and cold mix inside Gabe's body like a tornado. He's never heard him giggle or even seen him smile before but he wish he had. It was so gentle and sweet, he wanted more of it.

With a blush on his face, Gabe picks his bag off the floor and throws it over one shoulder. "Hey, Uh . . . Rin . . . Good luck, okay? With everythin in general and stuff." He hikes the bag higher up his shoulder, face bright red, and walks off down the hall, Rin's eyes tracing after him. What the hell just happened?

Rin stumbled up just in time for the final bell to ring. People flooded the halls, the only thoughts on their mind being getting home to their families. Rin frowns. Gabe was so brave, raised to be one way and then going against it. Though everyone told him he shouldn't, Rin really respected Gabe and cared about him. He was human and dealing with something horrible. He's doing the best he can right now and he made a big push today.

Adrenaline pounded through his veins as a thought came to mind, something that could change his life. It would take a lot of work and courage. He would need to be strong no matter what.

Quickly, he hoisted his backpack over his shoulders and ran out the door, biting his lip aggressively. 'Maybe I'll live just one day more. If I make it into UA, I'll keep living and if I don't . . . Well, I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.'

He ran home faster than he ever had before, finally finding purpose in his life. Finally, he felt SOMETHING! It was amazing. He ran through the lobby and climbed up the stairs two at a time. He got to the apartment door, swung it open, and almost immediately threw up. His bag fell to the floor with a thump and his eyes bulged. There was blood . . . Everywhere. On the floor in front of him laid his mother and above her stood Yama.

"Boy . . . Come inside quickly, you must help me." He couldn't move. Shock and horror sprang through him like a knife. His mother, his only love . . .

"W-What . . . WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"

Hours later . . .

"Drop the knife and put your hands up, now!" The weapon dropped to the floor with a clunk. They caught him red handed, literally. Yamas body laid in a heap in front of him, face still scared with fear. Tears lined the dead mans face. From his chest flowed a spring of blood from the multiple holes. Rin found it quite beautiful and deserving. Oh how the man begged, so pitiful. He loved it.

The police rushed in and handcuffed Rin's hands behind his back. They started listing off his rights but he could barely hear them. Yamas screams still echoed through his ears. He smiles biting his lip.

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