Learning Keith

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I'll got back and edit but for now enjoy this !
Sitting in my room I looked over at Keith who played with his fingers.
"You seem nervous"
"It's just...no girls really talk to me. This is new to me" He lowly said never looking up.
"I don't know. I usually don't do well in social situations. I always hear "He's cute but too weird" I um yeah I don't know" he said turning around in the chair.
"Aww you are cute I don't think you're weird though. I want to learn you. I want you to be comfortable around me. I'm intrigued by you. You answering my story shocked me because I never even had a conversation with you and I didn't even know you followed me"
"Yeah I've been following you for a while. Your post are funny" he said.
"Oh thanks. So let's start with the basics ask me anything" I turned the chair back so he was facing me but his head was still down. "Keith don't be so shy around me. I'm no one important that you'd need to be nervous around. I don't bite. Unless that's what you're into" I smirked and saw him start blushing.
"Uh you're more important than you'd know" I heard him mumble but couldn't really hear what he said.
"Ask me anything then I'll ask you something"
"Why do you want two boyfriends?" He asked.
"As I explained before it's a different experience. I feel like you can't get everything in one. I mean eventually I'll settle for just one maybe but right now that's just what I want. You and Algee are completely different from one another. You give me sweet caring loving vibes which is great don't get me wrong but that's not enough. Sometimes I need a nigga to rough me up and I feel like Algee could do well in that area. I don't want to force you to be any different than what you are so to make up for where you two lack I'll just combine you two. In order for this to work you have to understand that sometimes I'll be with him and sometimes I'll be with you. I don't want you two to think it's a competition though. Sometimes you'll get more attention and sometimes he will. Do you think you will be okay with that?"
"I mean yeah i guess. The whole girlfriend thing for me is new too. My last girlfriend was in the 9th grade and we broke up because she thought her image was getting ruined because of me. Thats when i had big glasses and braces. Who has an image in the 9th grade anyways? I'm willing to try. Why'd you pick him though? He's a complete asshole" he said.
"Come lay on the bed right quick"
He took off his hoodie and shoes and laid on the bed with his back on the headboard and I laid between his legs. I could feel him shaking.
"Relax you're shaking Keith. But I picked him because Ive always been drawn in by his energy. Just like how I'm intrigued by you I'm intrigued by him. I know it's all a front. He isn't like that when he leaves school and I'm sure of it." I could feel him relax and he started to play in my hair.
"What about um.....sex" he whispered the last part.
"What about it?"
"Um you know" he said.
"Keith have you ever had sex?"
"N-Yes" he stumbled to say.
I turned around and looked at his face like really nigga.
"Tell the truth"
Putting his head down he said no.
"Aww that's so cute"
"Yes cute. Dudes around our age are so worn out. I think it's nice to find a guy that's a virgin. Don't even feel bad boo"
"What if he's better than me?" He asked.
"Don't worry about that. We will cross that bridge when we get there but as far as sex I don't want to say we won't have sex and I won't say we will. Whatever happens will happen but when it does happen I want it to be special for you. Just like it would be special for a female. If i could take back losing mine I would but I can't."
"Do you plan on having kids or getting married?" He asked.
"Kids yes I want a boy and that's it. I would love to get married. When that happens I will be overjoyed"
"What if we both ask?"
"Ok so let me say this stop asking about "we" just think as this as me just being with you. But if you both asked and I was in love with you both I'd marry you both."
"Ok. It's just I've only seen this on tv. But it's always the male with multiple wives" he said making me laugh.
"So you think a girl can't do that too?"
"I don't know. People would judge a girl faster than a man" he said pushing a piece of hair out my face.
"I hate the world and all these double standards. A female can do as a male does and not be a hoe or anything like that."
I felt my phone vibrate indicating I had a message.
When am I going to have you to myself?
-I'm all yours tomorrow.
Don't be letting him touch all on you and stuff.
-why? So you can touch all on me?
Duh 🙄 I got plans for that ass trust me.
-goodbye ✌🏾
Don't dismiss me 😠
You heard what i said.
Baby 😢
-stop that 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
😠 don't be all up on him either
I smirked at the messages and opened my camera.
"Let's take a pic"
I cuddled up on him and he snapped the pic.

"Aww I like it" I took the pic posted it on Instagram and waited

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"Aww I like it"
I took the pic posted it on Instagram and waited.
😠 wait til tomorrow!
I laughed and put my phone away.
"For the record I'd never look at you as a hoe. You just know what you want and you're going for it. I can only respect that" he said.
"Correct! Are you comfortable?"
"Strangely yes. I was hella nervous at first but for whatever reason I'm not anymore." He said and pecked my forehead a few times which surprised me.
"Oh so you comfy comfy huh" i giggled. We laughed and stopped and looked at each other. He leaned in so i did too. Our lips connected. It was amazing. You'd think he was a bad kisser from not having experience but nope baby boy got it.
"I-I'm sorry" he said pulling away but my eyes were still closed and my lips were still moving but when I realized he stopped I opened my eyes.
"Uh no that was mmmm amazing! Wow"
"Uh thanks" he said and I felt something like my stomach and looked down and was greeted by Lil Keith. He felt me looking panicked and got up fast.
"I um I got to go" he said leaving out my room and out the door before I could even catch him.

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