Chapter 6: Happy Snoggletog!

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A dozen or so baby Gronckles lie sleeping beside a house. Vikings are walking across the town with wood and supplies, helping each other clean up. The teens are helping by fixing roofs, while Ingrid helps Gothi treat the wounded and injured Vikings. Stoick and Gobber look on with dismay.

"Gobber, this is a disaster." Stoick complains to his friend.

"It's not so bad." Gobber said, trying to cheer up his friend.

"Not that bad? The village is destroyed, the dragons have gone and left us.... Let's face it: this holiday is a complete...." Stoick walks right into a crowd of Vikings. They're all looking up into the sky. A dark figure appears from behind the clouds.

"What are these people looking at? What is that?"

It's the mast of a Viking ship. Held up by hundreds of flying dragons. And piloted by a very familiar Viking.

"It's Hiccup!" Stoick exclaims. 

"And our dragons!" Astrid added.

The crowd cheers. The ship drops lower and lower in the sky until it crashes down onto the snow-filled ground of Berk. The ship scrapes to a stop in front of the crowd. The dragons release the ropes holding it up. Baby dragons emerge from all over the ship to an aww-ing crowd. The teens run up to meet them.

"Welcome back, laddie."

"Good job." 

"Yeah! Whoo-hoo!" Snotlout cheered as he and Hookfang are reunited.

Meatlug hovers around the village, searching for her babies. When she found them, Meatlug quickly landed before them and gave them some regurgitated fish, which the babies enjoyed. Fishlegs ran up to her and tackled Meatlug to the ground, "MEATLUG!"

"Flame! I'm so glad to see you!" Agnes exclaimed as she hugged the orange Terror. Flames' hatchlings came and tackled the girl to the ground. "Are these your babies?! Oh my gods! They're so tiny!" Agnes laughs.

"Sage!" "Stormfly! You're back!" Both Astrid and Ingrid ran up to their Nadders and hugged them. 

"Oh, and there are babies!" Astrid said excitedly.

"You're babies are so precious!" Ingrid squealed, picking one of the baby Nadders up.

Stoick lifts Hiccup off the ground in a giant, chest-compressing hug. "Well done, son."

"Thanks, Dad." Hiccup rasped, trying to breath. Stoick let go of Hiccup and grabbed everyone's attention.

"Everyone, grab your dragons. To the Great Hall! We finally have something to celebrate!" Vikings and dragons cheer.

At the Great Hall, a giant party is being held, lit by the glowing candle-balls and decorated with shields and wreathes

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At the Great Hall, a giant party is being held, lit by the glowing candle-balls and decorated with shields and wreathes. And best of all, dragons are invited.

Dragons Holiday: Gift of the Night Fury (To Be Revamped/Deleted)Where stories live. Discover now