"What about Sarah?" He questions lowly. "What do we do with her?"

"Leave her with her father," I command, stuffing my gun back into my pants. "Let's go."

I walked out the front door of the house to Stephan struggling against my men. The old fuck had heart, I would give him that. However, my men are loyal and don't take to kindly to traitors. So I watched in amusement as one of the bigger guys picked him up like he was a feather and carelessly there him into the back of the van.

"Should we throw Elaine in there too boss." One of the younger men asked me.

"Why not," I mutter, not really bothered either way, because either the bitch is going to get what she deserves. I watched as they did the same to Elaine before I hopped into the passenger seat, while Isaac hopped in the driver's seat and Damien in the back.

"Are you really going to let Sarah go?" My little brother asks me while texting on his phone.

"Yes, I am." I say firmly. "Sarah needs treatment, not punishment.

"I can't believe that shit was going on right under our noses" Isaac mumbles out.

"Neither can I." I agree. My siblings and I grew up very closely with the Russo's and you would think that if not us at least one of the adults would know that something was up, but unfortunately no one ever suspected a thing.

"You know, I think this was Elaine's plan all along." Damien speaks

"What do you mean?" I inquire with a raised brow.

"I think here plan all along was to fuck up Sarah's reputation so that if one day she ever woke up and came forward no one would ever believe." He explains.

No one said anything. Isaac and I just nodded in agreement. I mean it isn't that far off to throw out there. Alejandro is pretty clueless half the time and then there were people like me. I've always just thought that Sarah was a spoiled brat who grew up to become a whore, but now I realize that I was wrong. And that's the difference between Tia and Sarah. People would be more likely to believe what happened to Tia than they would Sarah and that's the problem. Both are victims and both need support. Especially Sarah. Sarah was brainwashed by her mother for fifteen years of her life. Her mother that was supposed to protect her but instead, she sold her out.

People are going to want to coddle and comfort Tia and that's not to say that she doesn't need those things but Sarah needs them as well. And it's only fair that she gets them.







Elaine's POV

They threw me into a dark, concrete room, stripped me and tied me to a big wooden 'x'. I don't know how long I was hanging, but judging from the numbness in my arms and the fading in and out of consciousness I could say I've been here in this position for sometime. And just as I was fading out once more a blasted with water, making me cry out in discomfort.

"Wakey, wakey bitch." Jason's voice taunts me in a creepy sing-song voice.

"Please." I plead pathetically.

"Aaww that's cute." He teases. "She thinks begging will save her." I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he circles around me. "Why don't you beg some more Elaine." He suggests eerily.

I don't say anything, just continue to whimper and sniffle, whilst wondering about what's going to happen to me. I was broken out of my thoughts by the strike of a whip hitting my back, making me scream in pain.

The One That Came Back (REPOST)| WATTY'S 2019Where stories live. Discover now