"What the fuck do you want Candice." She spat out my name with so much venom in her voice it stung me.

"You deserve it."

"I've come to let you out." I say lowly. I know that the cameras don't have audio on them, but I just didn't want anyone to hear me.

"What." Tiana said with a shocked look on her face. "Why?"

"Because you don't deserve this." I say in a sincere voice. "And plus this is all my doing, I should've never gotten involved with Stephan."

"Aww let me guess, your sugar daddy turned out not to be so sweet huh." She mocks in a sarcastic voice.

"Look do you want to get out of here or not?" I quip, growing tired of her mocking .

She looked at me, giving me a once over before looking me straight in the eyes. "What's in it for you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, looking very much like her father.

"Nothing." I say simply.

"Oh you're doing something selfless for once," Tiana stands and rolls her eyes. "So what's the plan?"

"I'm going to tell Stefan that Jason got word that this is where you're being hidden and that we need to move you. Once we're out of here I'm putting you and Aiden on the train back to Atlanta."

"I can't go back to Atlanta." She says firmly.

"Why the hell not." I say in a frustrated voice.

"I'm not leaving Jason." She says in stern voice. "Unlike some people I would like for my child to have a nuclear family." She states in a bitter voice making me look down in shame.

"Tiana this something you're not ready for." I warn. "You have no clue what you are getting yourself into.. Trust me."

"Jason would never let anything happen to me." She defended.

"If you get me out of here you are taking me and my child to Jason Niccolo Dellucci. That's the only way I'm leaving here. I go where he goes and vice fucking versa. Just because you love to run when shit gets hard doesn't mean that I have to."

"I didn't run." I say indignantly.

"Give me a fucking break Candice. You got tired of being a mother and a wife so abandoned me and Bryson while dad was deployed overseas. You barely took care of me when you where there. We didn't fit into the life you wanted so left us behind. Well news flash bitch, your shit gets put on halt when you have kids. You have to make sacrifices so that they can have everything that they need. It's no longer about you and that's what you fail to understand. You also fail that you're not first person to have an unplanned pregnancy, and you certainly were not the last. I'm just glad you left when you did so that way didn't have the chance to fuck up Bryson's head like you did mine."

I stood there in shock as the young lady I gave birth to read for the filth. Each word she said, felt like a knife of shame and guilt stabbing me in the heart. And standing here listening to her I could only come to one conclusion. "You're right." I say in a low voice. "I was a cowardly, lazy, worthless excuse for a mother and I'm going to have to live with tht for the rest of my life." I look up at her with tears blurring my vision and I can see that she's ready to cry as well."I'm so sorry Tiana. I forced you into motherhood at seven years old is that was so wrong of me and I know that sorry isn't enough for you to forgive for the things I've done and said, but I do hope that it's a start for you to heal and to move on from the hurt that I've caused you."

"It is for now." She says, her voice cracking as she speaks, "Now can we come up with a plan to get me and my son back to who we belong."












Jason's POV

"So tell me again what this plan you and Candice came up with." I order Elaine who's tied up in the backseat of my escalade. Her face was red from crying and her are bloodshot and puffy, but I can really give less of a fuck about this sick bitch and her tattoo tears. Once this is all over I'm gonna put a bullet through her skull.

"The plan was to kidnap Aiden and Tiana. Stephan is planning to sell her Iov Popov, who plans to take her to Russia." She explains clearly.

"And what the fuck was supposed to happen to my son?" I growl.

"Candice suggested to send him back to Atlanta but Stephan wants to sell him to an orphanage in Italy." Feeling my blood boil I fight the urge to kill the bitch right here and there but I wouldn't give her the treat of having a quick death. No I'm going to make her suffer and then I'm going to let Alejandro get in his feel for what she did to his daughter and then I'm going to put Sarah in rehab facility so that can help her heal from whatever emotional and mental scars this pathetic human being has been causing her since she was five years old.

"You're one sick wench you no that right Elaine?" I say in a calm voice. "You also know that you're not going to make it out of here alive right."

"Please I told you everything." She pleads.

"I bet my son and my Queen pleaded for you not to take them. I bet Sarah used to plead when you made her into a toy for your and other people's sexual gratification, but you didn't stop did you." I taunted with a big chesire smile on my face. "But did you stop.. No.. You continued on and on with your sick little games, even went as far to sell your daughter a dream that would never happen and part of me feels like you knew it to. Now poor Sarah's all lost and confused, your younger daughter and husband hate you, my family is missing and oh last but not least, you're going to die a very slow and painful death.... And all because you had to be a greedy little bitch."

She began to sob and plead. I grew tired of hearing blubbering. It killed me how she has the nerve to beg for mercy but she's never given it anyone else in this situation. She went about ruining lives and not caring about the pain it would cause others. Growing annoyed with her I took out my gun and butted her in the head with it, causing her to pass out.

The One That Came Back (REPOST)| WATTY'S 2019Where stories live. Discover now