Chapter 5: Strange

Start from the beginning

"I thought you didn't like bananas," she said, her eyes narrowing.

"I don't," I replied. "But this is really good."

"Are you Lapis?" Peridot asked.

"Yes," I answered. "Jasper's the worst vampire. Convinced?"

"I guess," Peridot replied. "Did you get enough sleep?"

"I think so," I answered.

"Good," Peridot responded.

Peridot eyed me while I ate. She didn't understand why I was eating outside of my routine and eating something I didn't like. I didn't know what had gotten into me. I had no idea.

"I just remember him asking about kids."

I nearly gasped. He had been asking about adopting kids. That was he was asking about. I remembered that from when he was talking with Peridot. He had never meant it in the way I was thinking about. It wasn't possible. It couldn't happen to two girls. That wasn't possible. I had never done that with anyone else either. That wouldn't be possible. I tried to shake off the thought, but it just stayed in the back of my mind. I decided to let it stay there and to ignore it.

"You look stressed again," Peridot said.

"Yeah," I replied. "I am a bit stressed."

"You wanna cuddle and watch a movie?" Peridot asked.

"That actually sounds really nice," I answered.

Peridot took the blanket and wrapped it around both of us. She was so warm. I loved it. I laid my head on her chest and looked at the television. Peridot had turned the channel to a movie. I watched it quietly. I was still thinking about what Peridot had said the day before. My strange want for a food I didn't like seemed to point to that impossible idea. I was probably just overthinking everything again. I was probably just having mood swings, and those were completely normal.

I looked up at Peridot, who was looking away from the television and blushing. I did the same. The scene on the movie was starting to get a little steamy. Peridot turned away, took off her glasses, cleaned them, and then put them back on. I pulled her plaid green jacket off of her. She immediately turned around, surprised.

"Lapis?" She asked.

"Can we..." I looked around.

Peridot cracked a little smile at me. "Of course we can," she answered.

I lay down on the couch and let Peridot crawl on top of me. She looked down at me with an excited grin.

"For my beautiful Lapis," she said.

She threw the blanket over us, grinning the whole time. I smiled up at her.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"The usual," I answered. "Just something to relieve my stress."

"Aw," Peridot said. "I'm sorry. I'll have to cuddle with you after this."

"That sounds really nice," I responded. "But I might want to take a shower first."

"You do whatever you want," Peridot said. "Make yourself comfortable."

"I want you to make me comfortable," I replied.

"Then let's begin," Peridot said.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Peridot was still asleep next to me. I sat up and yawned. I had another dream again. It was the same one, just a little different. I saw Peridot trying to reach towards me, but the dark figure engulfed her. She was gone. I was terrified. I didn't understand what it meant, and it terrified me.

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