"You know my fathers brothers son Lucas that I always go to his house during summer in San Francisco, he's coming over soon" She informs excitedly

Well I've never seen him before but I've heard of him" Amber can say that he's your cousin Its quicker and easier than taking a bus to family root" I explain to her before asking "why is he coming? "

"He transfered to Columbia here in New York to complete his college studies that's why and he'll be staying with us from now on which means that I won't be lonely at home again"

"Tell me something" Jade pipes in "Is he as rich and as generous as you? " Jade demands

"He's only in college so he has no money of his own but his dad is a big time Judge so.... "She leaves the rest to our imagination "That's why my dad wants me to study law"

"Hook me up swiftly"

"You have Jake Miller and Adam Jade? Yet you want to add to the list? You even have Adams necklace on your neck" I easily recognise the expensive silver necklace with the shape of the heart pendant on her neck. Its hard not to recognize when she kept dangling it around the first time she had it.

"He gave it back to me and the bracelet too. See"She proudly shows me her wrist that has the silver bracelet in it. "Apparently he realized that it was foolish of him to do so"

"Yet you still want to date his friend and hook up with Ambers cousin? "

"Probably" She shrugs "I'm searching for my one true love so give me a break" My glare makes her defensive

"Don't worry i already told him about you guys because he's currently single  and even showed him your pictures. He's your type Jade but I think he fancies Audrey the most" Amber informs

Audrey instantly frowns "Why me?"

Jade also frowns "why not me? "

As for me, i'm wondering why i'm not mentioned in the picture.

"He says that you have a feisty look and that you'll be the most difficult.  He has a thing for such kind of girls" She only answers to Audrey

"I'm not difficult and i'm not interested"

"See what he means? "Amber starts to giggle "He hasn't seen you yet he knows how you are That's why you'll  be good for Lucas and I want you to join my family"

"Why her? I'm your closest best friend and we have more in common when it comes to fashion"Jade protests

"Actually, i'm her longest best friend and I was her tutor sometime ago"I put in "so it ought to be me.."I add sketchily "that's if i'm interested which i'm not"

"Please don't fight over me, i love u all the same" Amber says softly

"We're not fighting over you, we're just fighting over who's more worthy to be your cousin in-law" Jade makes clear

"You all are worthy and he thinks that you're hot Jade but you can't have everyone to yourself. You like Audrey's brother don't you? And Adam, and Jake... "Amber lists "my cousin can't join the group. It will be over loaded"

I smile "For once you say something cool Amber"

"Well At least he thinks I'm hot so i'm satisfied"

"I'm sorry I didn't add you in the picture because of Owen but he thinks you're pretty and smart" Amber  explains to me

"That's nice" I smile because he thinks i'm pretty and smart so I don't feel bad to be left out. Besides, i have Owen so what else could I need?

"In conclusion, Audrey is the only one that's mostly single and my cousin fancies her the most" Amber finalizes eagerly

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