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Sorry for late update guys. Just busy with exams. Okay now lets go to the story.

Episode 26

Gadodia house is filled with guests and relations as its Arnav's haldi. A small stool is kept in the center and before that haldi is kept. Swara and Sharmistha are keeping the things needed for haldi rituals. Then Arnav is made to sit in the stool. He is very shy to sit there as he didn't wear any clothes on the top. He is just wearing a dhoti. Then an old lady asked Sharmistha to apply haldi but Sharmistha refused as she is a widow.

"Ma in which era you are??? I will apply haldi only when you apply me first otherwise no need of this ritual." Arnav said strictly. So Sharmistha without any chance she went and applied haldi first. Then everyone applied haldi one by one. When the ritual is going on Sanskar came there to get the haldi of groom. Sharmistha saw him and welcomed him and made him sit. Then she went to Swara,"Swara see Sanskar came. Go and give him some snacks and tea."

"Okay ma." She said and went to the kitchen and brought snacks to Sanskar. He saw Swara and winked at her. She glared at him and served him snacks. When she tried to go he held her hand and pulled her that she landed near him.

"Sanskar what are you doing??? Everyone are here!!!"

"Offo Swara they all know you are going to be wife. So they won't mind."

"Sanskar but I have many works. I have to go and help ma."

"See there Mukti and her ma is helping aunty. So you stay near me till i leave. Then you can go and do your work."

"Huh!! okay."

"Darling then where is my princess??? "

"She was crying a lot Sanskar so i made her sleep!!! She is there in that room."

"Aww why my princess was crying???"

"Don't know Sanskar. Ma is saying that yesterday she was in many hands and also Aashna hasn't seen many people. So may be she might have feared. That's why she is crying."

"Oh then we have to be careful next time. Today night let her make her sleep in our room okay."

"Our room???" Swara asked raising her one brow."

"Swara which ever things i own everything belongs to you also. Okay!!!"

"Sanskar will this love will be lasted even after our marriage??? I am just afriad!!! Though i chose the wrong person first till i am fearing!!"

Sanskar put his hands on Swara's shoulder and pulled her near to him and said,"Swara baby i love you for 3 years. My love is same in all this year. After knowing you are married and having a daughter my love didn't change. Same like this my love will be same no no it will be increased after our marriage. So you don't worry." He said and kissed her forehead. Swara leaned on Sanskar's chest. At the same time Mukti came there to call Sanskar but seeing their position she took her mobile and clicked a pic. Listening to the camera sound both came to sense and sat properly. Swara glared at Mukti.

"Okay okay cool. Aunty is calling you!!!"

"Hey Mukti don't forget me to WhatsApp the pic okay." Sanskar said and Swara glared at him and beat on his hands. Sanskar smiled sheepishly and went from there. Swara also smiled and went from there. Then Sharmistha gave the haldi to Sanskar and he went from there.

In maheswari mansion everyone are waiting for Sanskar!!! He came and gave the haldi to Sujatha and went to office as he has some important work. Then Sujatha asked Ram's mother to apply haldi to Khushi. She too came and applied and everyone applied one by one. Haldi function is completed and Sujatha asked Khushi to take bath and she went to see the work.

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