The Welcome Dinner

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When we got back, everyone pretended like they didn't see the hand print on my cheek. Marissa sat me down next to Michael. Lola shot me a concerned look from her table but I pretended not to see. I sat silently in numb shock while everyone around talked and laughed. "Are you okay?" Michael asked in a low voice. I didn't answer. "My son asked you a question." Marissa said in a voice so cold I wanted to shiver. I glanced at her and then looked at Michael. I gave an almost imperceptible nod of my head. Marissa was glaring at me but I was saved from any more remarks by people bringing food to the table. I muttered my thanks. I felt eyes on me as I pushed my food around. I looked up and met her eyes. The message in them was clear: this isn't over.

I sat on the porch steps and listened to the sounds of the night. I was dreading going inside and sleeping next to Michael. Pretending that I was fine. I heard the front door open. His footsteps stopped behind me. "I'm sorry about what my mom did to you today." He said in a sad voice. "Can I sit down?" I shrugged. He sat down with a sigh. "I know you're not happy right now and I'm sorry about that too but one day we'll be happy." He tried to catch my eye. "I know you don't believe me." I finally looked at him. "Do werewolves have super speed?" I asked purposely changing the subject. He gave me a confused look but laughed softly. 'We can run fast in wolf form but super speed? No. Why do you ask?" I stared at the sky as I answered. "When you were following me home the night you took me, you were on one side of the cemetery fence and then suddenly you were on the other." He laughed again but louder. "That was just a trick I was using to make you run in the direction I needed you to." He explained. "I was on one side and Joel was on the other. We just came out at different times." That makes more sense. "How did your dad become pack master?" I asked not knowing why I cared. "The old pack master won it by fighting to the death with another wolf. It would have passed on to his son but he didn't have one. When he died, a lot of wolves stepped up and wanted to be pack master. My dad included so they had a fight to the death and my dad won. When my dad dies, it'll pass to me. Someone can challenge me for it though." He shrugged. What a bloody life I've been forced into. "Come on, let's go to bed." He stood up and held out his hand. I stared at his extended hand as if it were a poisonous snake. I sighed and forced myself to take it and even smile at him. I had to get good at playing my role if I ever wanted to escape.

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