Lance 💙

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Lance's perspective:

I woke up to what sounded like the giggling of twelve year old girls, I stepped out of bed and drag my hands down my face. I walked down the hall, following the obnoxious sound, it was coming from Pidgeons room. Pidge has recently come out to me as trans and planned to come out to the entire team the same week. I was always close to Pidge, back at the Garrison Hunk, Pidge and I were an unstoppable trio that only stuck around cause of Keith's 'discipline issue'.

Speaking of Keith, I put my ear up to the door and heard him and Pidge laughing and talking about... Binders? I decided to leave when I heard Keith say he was gonna go get water.

Third person:

Keith dragged his feet through the halls, all the laughing and talking had worn him out, but in a good way. Keith walked into the kitchen "Oh, it's you..." Lance said in a unenthusiastic tone. "Shit..." Keith thought, he forgot his binder in Pidges room, he was too far in now, Keith covered his chest with his forearms as he reached for a glass, he scanned the room, looks like everyone but Lance when to bed.

Keith turned the tap on, visibly uncomfortable, Lance's face turned into a more soft expression "What's up?" Lance asked "Nothing I'm fine?" Keith was surprised, His and Lance's 'rivalry' was completely one sided on Lance's part, Keith genuinely liked lance personality like how he flirted with every living thing he saw, how he was always positive and brave and how he thought about the team before himself, Keith though he was truly a good guy, but Lance seemed indifferent towards Keith, challenging him at everything, insulting him,etc..

Lance's head tilted slightly "Nope, somethings definitely wrong" Lance stood up and glided over to Keith who was internally freaking out, his boobs were still quite visible, so Keith did the only thing he thought was reasonable, he ran.

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