Ha bewbs 👌

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Keith ran back into Pidges room, who was lying lazily across her bed "Oh, sup dude" Pidge said casually as Keith panted in the background. "LANCE SAW ME!" Pidge sat up "What? Without your binder?" Keith noded, clearly flustered. Pidge sat Keith down and told him to start from the beginning, Keith did as he was told and spilt all of his embarrassing journey to go get water. "Well..." Pidge let out a long sigh "I think the best thing for you now is to go get some rest" Keith noded, he put his binder back on, hugged his new 'sister' and left for the night.

Keith couldn't sleep, images of lance laughing and teasing him held his conscious. What if he's transphobic? What if he tells the team? Keith's anxiety hurled around in his stomach, at the Garrison, Keith, was always the best, talented and apparently had a couple girls after him too, however this was all a persona Keith put out, inside he was self conscious and scared. Keith hugged his pillow, he felt a sudden pain in his lower stomach area, 'No,nonono not now!' Keith thought, his cycles cramps had increased a lot lately since going through a sort of Galra puberty, 'Shit..' Keith was gonna have to sneak out to the space mall to get tampons again. Keith panicked slightly, but the reassuring thought of having Pidge there with him lulled Keith to sleep.

Lance's POV (first person for some reason idk);

Keith ran off without his water, I may not be the brightest paladin, but I'm smart enough to know that he wasn't 'fine'. To be fair I wouldn't  blame Keith for not wanting to open up to me, I don't know how but I started a sort of rivalry with him, which to be quite honest with myself was probably a coping mechanism to these weird feelings I had towards the red paladin. On earth I only every flirted with girls, which I could labeled as love or lust, but with Keith it's entirely different, being a teenager I obviously have urges to be closer to him, but I've never had feelings towards another dude before. I plopped back down on the couch, God, what's wrong with me? I ran my fingers through my hair. What if I'm gay? I never thought about any other guy like I think about Keith, but I also genuinely liked girls. Am I broken? I felt tears dribble down my face, not this again. Lately I've been really weak when it came to emotional shit, I'm so pathetic. I wrapped my arms round my body to provide some sense of comfort.

Thx for reading!
Poor Bebe lonce 😭

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