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His phone is ringing. It's from Seungwan.

Chanyeol sighs. This might be not her attempt to reason something. He will feel weak, eventually. "Hello?"

"Oppa? Can we meet?"


"Maybe we can meet at somewhere private. Not at your house, my house, or your restaurants." Chanyeol knows this call isn't what he expected before. He leans to his chair, sighing as he knows this could mean one thing.

Seungwan will finish everything.

"Basketball court." Chanyeol is a man who really honors symbols. He confessed at the basketball court, as he rejected her there. So if now she rejects him, it should be happened there.

Seungwan ponders. Chanyeol knows it by the silence she gives to him. "....Alright. What time?"

"Dinner time. We meet there first before we get back to my house."

And the time finally comes. Chanyeol comes first and he sees they will not be alone. Some high-school male students decide to play there at night, probably because tomorrow is weekend; they might not need to work on their homeworks. As Chanyeol watches them play, he is interested to play along with them. Children today grows so fast and so tall, so their heights are not that far from him. He approaches them and challenges them, just to kill some time.

When he plays, Seungwan comes. She actually went back to the house and changed back from her previous attire. She is now in casual attire; long sweater with sweatpants. And she smiles when she finds out Chanyeol is playing with those kids. She then goes to the spectators' bench as Chanyeol doesn't realize that she has arrived. She sees how beaming Chanyeol is; this is the Park Chanyeol she could remember when she was amazed by his play. She thought that part has gone by the time they grew up, but turns out it is just hidden. Chanyeol has chosen to become an enterpreneur for his adult life but he still has this part in his life.

Seungwan remembers that stranger's talk to her.

"He's not perfect at all, Miss Son. If you can accept him the way he is, I believe you will be able to forgive him. But if you can't forgive him and accept him the way he is, no matter how you want to be with him, it will end badly. Think about it, Miss Son. Forgiveness is the key"

Chanyeol has never been perfect. Nobody has. Seungwan has fallen for him as he shows to her how to become a beaming person; someone that is so shiny that nobody can't see him directly. Seungwan wants that man. She thought that man has changed into something, but it's just not that simple. People have some sides. Chanyeol is both shining and silent guy. He is not romantic and not the prince charming Seungwan has ever dreamt about, but he is also that prince charming. It might be hard to understand, but Seungwan now can see it.

The problem also lies within her. She can't take to be hurt again. She needs to do something. She is upset that the fact that the broken heart can't be healed by just..., by just what Chanyeol has done to her. Chanyeol thought she was ready to be at the stage where they shouldn't sugar-coat their relationship whereas Seungwan actually still needs to be assured. That is their clash.

Chanyeol then realizes that Seungwan has arrived. He says couple words with the kids before approaches her. He smiles and sits directly next to her. "You can say whatever you want to say."

She takes a deep breath. "You need to say sorry to me again. You need to ask an apology again to me."

Chanyeol turns to her. "I am sorry for not being obvious at your feelings. I understand that what I have done to you is beyond. Nobody should hurt anyone like I have hurt you. You don't deserve to be yelled; you never deserve that. I was blindedly thinking that I was the one who got hurt there, but I understand I should ask you more properly."

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