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"Why haven't you told me that you were engaged, oppa?" asks Seungwan once Joonmyeon asked her to have lunch together. But she isn't really alone. Jongin, Seulgi, and Sooyoung are tagging along, even though they sit on different table. And they are eating at Chanyeol's place. That means Chanyeol's eyes (and Sehun's too, along with Jongdae's) are also watching the scene.

"It's just an old promise our parents made. We don't love each other at all. You can see how Joohyun was jealous."

"And it's all because of you," Seungwan replies, "oppa, I don't like the way you use. Plus, Sehun isn't--"

"I know. He's Chanyeol-sshi, right?"

She blinks, "how did you know that?"

"Let's just say earlier today he came to my place and said the truth to me, might be happened because he felt terrible to Sehun-sshi." Seungwan turns and see Chanyeol are eyeing them. She gulps and becomes curious of what he has said to Joonmyeon before. "But I am serious about my feeling, Seungwan-ah. I hope you consider my feelings to you."

"I am still angry to you, oppa. You should say your apology to Sehun-sshi, too, alongside to Joohyun-sshi. They got suffered because of you."

"I don't think--"

"I think you should do that." Seungwan sternly states and Joonmyeon takes a deep breath, (tries to) smile, and then gets up to go to where Sehun is stationed. After saying couple words and sentences, he comes back with big smile. "Your friend has forgiven me. Now will you consider my feelings to you?"


Two glasses of water have come.

Jongdae is the culprit.

"Please enjoy your drink." He says it with flat tone and then he goes back to his station. Joonmyeon really looks like he is restraining his scream. Seungwan is still staring like she doesn't get impressed with what Joonmyeon has had done.

"I still don't like the fact that you made Joohyun-sshi as the sacrifice so that I will acknowledge your feeling."


She sighs, "I have known you, oppa, for years. You are always the nerdy guy but I know once you want something, you would not back off from it. I can see that you said to Joohyun-sshi about my 'feeling' to Sehun-sshi so that I will consider your feeling as Sehun and Joohyun were in relationship before. Don't you think I suppose to know their relationship beforehand? I appreciate that you are always kind and considerate, but this side, I don't like this side of you, especially when it hurts many people."

"You still don't let go even though I have said that Sehun-sshi had forgiven me, do you?" Joonmyeon throws it back, "just be honest. You tried to go with me so that Chanyeol-sshi would get jealous, didn't you? I think you are still doing it. You are just as fake as me, Seungwan-ah, just say it."

"I am not--"

"See? You don't even want to say that you are still trying to get Chanyeol-sshi's attention."

"That's not the main point here. The main is that you should know I don't want to consider your feelings because you have been so mean to my friends! First Jongdae oppa! And then Sehun!"

"So tell me how do I do to defeat that knight in armour of yours?" Joonmyeon growls, "that's Chanyeol-sshi for you. You have been fixated on him even though it is clear he didn't even notice you back when you said your first confession. His image is the only thing you see and remember. You used to say good things of him. Does it eve occur to you how I had felt during your sparkling eyes telling me how great your first love was? No, right? Because you only think of him and nothing else! You don't realize every other males' feelings for you! So how should I defeat this guy? When I knew that you somehow became his girlfriend, I was broken down, and then I knew he dumped you, so I have done literally everything to get your eyes to me. That's why I became so rude to your friends; I want your attention so much so I want to make sure he doesn't have to appear again in your life. I am wrong because I don't ask and see the truth first, but you have to understand, I have done this for you."

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