Idk What Chapter This Is

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Bridgette-You know what's sad?

Karai- The fact you have been out of school for a whole week because of snow. And you didn't write a new chapter.

Bridgette- Actually, yeah.

Mikey- Can we get to the dares?

Bridgette- Sure. tmntMikey13 asks "Leo are you okay?" and dares Leo to tickle Mikey.

Leo- Yeah I'm fine. It hurts but, I'm fine.  Do I have to do the dare? I can't walk.

Bridgette- You can do it when you can move.

Mikey- I can go over there.

Leo- No, please.

Mikey- Okay.=(

Bridgette- Rebeccatmntlover6548 dares Raph, Mikey, Mona and Shinigami vs Leo, Karai, Donnie, April, and me. Also, Rebeccatmntlover6548 dares the rest couples to kiss under the mistletoe.

Mona- *Grabs Raph and throws him under the mistletoe*

Raph- *Graps Mona and starts to kiss her*

April- *Pushes Raph and Mona* Donnie, come here.

Donnie- Um...okay. *Blushes*

April- *Kisses Donnie*

Donnie - *Kisses back*

Shini- *Grabs the mistletoe* Mikey!?

Mikey- Yeah?

Shini- *Kisses Mikey*

Leo- Still can't walk.

Bridgette- Got to ruin the moment. Use a wheelchair or crutches.

Leo- No.

Karai- You are stubborn.

Leo- I won't be if someone didn't break my leg.

Karai- Sorry.

Bridgette- Got to ruin our fun. I guess we also have to do this when you're better.

Leo- I'm sorry.

Bridgette- Rebeccatmntlover6548 asks all of us "What is our favorite TMNT 2012 episode?" I have a lot. Number one is ' When Worlds Collide', the second one is 'The Forgotten Swordsman', ' Follow the Leader', and 'Vision Quest' but, there is more.

Karai - 'Broken Foot'

Bridgette- Why?

Karai- Because it's when you see Leo as a badass.

April- 'A Foot Too Big'

Raph- 'The Moons of Thalos 3'

Donnie- ' Rise of the Turtles'

Leo- 'New Girl in Town'

Mikey- All of them.

Bridgette- Good answer.

Shini-'City at War'

Mona- 'When Worlds Collide'

Bridgette- Love the answers. Moving on...

Karai - Hold on.

Bridgette- whAT!?

Karai- Minus this ask. Why don't any of the asks normal.

Bridgette- What are you talking about?

Karai- How come the asks aren't "How as your day been?" or "What's your favorite color?" or 'What's your favorite movie?", "Favorite Anime?" you get what I'm saying.

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