Deserts and Rivers. Part two

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The corridors in the Garrison were just as intimidating as Pidge had remembered them to be. Deep grey metal, heavy and unmoving. They were even more frightening when her eyes were blurred with tears, distorting the looming shapes into grey masses before her eyes.

Luckily for her, her room was just around the corner.

With a quick hiss of metal and a clunk of the lock, Pidge was stood secure in her room, back pressed heavily against the door.

Pidge squeezed her eyes shut and took in a shuddered breath, attempting to compose herself.

She failed.

Her knees buckled, forcing Pidge to curl into a ball at the foot of her door, legs pulled up to her chest as she wept.

Seconds passed. Minutes passed.

With every one Pidge's mind latched onto an image of Allura and Lance's gooey eyed exchange before their mission. It pulled at her tight chest, made her eyes flood and forced near silent whimpers from her lips. The look on Lance's face had shattered her heart at the time, but now it only caused an acidic taste to rise onto her tongue. She felt sick.

Another moment passed before she looked up.

Clenching her jaw, Pidge's swollen eyes focused upon the trash paladin that sat in the corner of her room, currently housing two sleeping space caterpillars.


It held her gaze for a moment, Pidge's mind reeling with atrociously violent thoughts.

With blubbering lips, Pidge got to her feet. Her chest ached violently, making every breath painful. Hands trembling, Pidge balled them into fists at her side before she exerted every ounce of jealousy she harboured onto the blue trash paladin. Loud clanging rattled though the surrounding corridors, only just masking Pidge's fury fuelled cries.

When she finally stopped to breathe, there was little left of the metal structure, 'limbs' and various other parts scattered throughout her room. It ever to closely resembled the result of an explosion in a junkyard.

Her knuckles stung, blood beading in several places where she'd scraped them against the metal.

She ignored the pain.

Pidge stared hard at the mess she'd made though salty tears, tears that streamed down her cheeks and into her open mouth.

"Damn those blue eyes."

With one weak cry, Pidge fell to her knees, clawing her hands though her hair as she wept. She'd been crying for so long, tears now refused to leave her eyes, forcing dry, raspy noises from her throat.

How could she let herself fall for such an idiot?

The answer was simple. He wasn't an idiot. He was a caring, thoughtful, intelligent (at times) young man whom she had grown to love and admire in a way she didn't think possible. She adored his curious nature that would spread in waves throughout any room. She loved the way his smile could ignite a spark right to her core yet still her beating heart. She never ceased to be amazed by his growing skills as a paladin, and owed him her life several times over.

If only she'd told him sooner.

And it wasn't like she'd not tried to be supportive of his love for the Princess... well okay maybe her jealousy had gotten the better of her at times, but that's understandable right?

And It certainly wasn't like the Princess wasn't capable of loving Lance. Heck, if her relationship with Lotor was anything to go by, the Princess would adore Lance with every ounce of her being. But Pidge was desperate to show him she could love him more.

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