Sleeping Over

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(So sorry I haven't been so active with writing lately I haven't been in a good place and just couldn't find the motivation but please enjoy!💙💚)

The mid-morning sun streamed through the crack in Lance's curtains, accompanied by the soft bird song that lulled through the open window. The man stirred, rolling onto his back and stretching with an almighty groan. With as much enthusiasm as he could muster, he began to rub the sleep from his eyes.

Lance let a heavy sigh slip through his lips, outstretching his arm and feeling lazily through the duvet. When his hand failed to meet what it was looking for, Lance's head shot upwards.

"Morning," a voice lilted across to him. Lance blinked hard, and reluctantly pulled himself up onto the pillow behind him.

"Morning, Pidge." he yawned. The woman stood at the end of his bed was already dressed and ready for her day ahead, lab coat draped loosely over her arm. "How long have you been up?"

Pidge walked around the bed, and gently sat herself down next to him. "About an hour. I was going to wake you but I thought it best to let you sleep. Thought you'd be a bit tired out after last night." She teased, a grin beginning to appear on her lips. A chuckle blew from Lance's nose, slowly followed by a small smile breaking on his lips. With a tilt of his head, he gestured to the spot next to him in the bed.

"5 more minutes?"

"I've gotta go," Pidge laughed, "If I don't leave now I'll be late for my meeting and I'll have Iverson on my ass again." She rolled her eyes as she exhaled. Lance, still half asleep, groaned to himself, sliding back down into the bed. Pidge smirked at the bleary eyed man, before leaning forward and planting a kiss on Lance's forehead. The sensation drove a heat to his cheeks, bringing back several memories of the night before.

"I'll see you later."

Lance watched studiously as Pidge left, eyes following her around the room before she disappeared behind the door. The heat from his cheeks had now spread throughout his chest, awakening several butterflies that usually resided at the pit of his stomach. Forcing them back to the depths, Lance clambered out of bed and dressed himself. After throwing on an old shirt and jeans, he wandered through to his bathroom for his daily routine. He reached out for his toothbrush.

He hesitated.

There, beside his own, was the dark green toothbrush Pidge used when she stayed over. He tried to look past it as he placed toothpaste on his brush and began scrubbing furiously at his teeth. Washing off his brush, something else caught his eye. Several small hair clips were perched on the windowsill, glinting brilliantly in the sunlight.

An unusual taste rose in his throat.

It definitely wasn't the toothpaste.

This had all started two months ago. Valentines day. The Earth tradition wasn't carried out on New Altea, and Pidge had always thought of the tradition to be rather tedious. It had been her who suggested that they have a games night, just like they used to on the Castle. Lance had been thrilled at the idea, and to simulate their gaming nights as best he could, gathered several blankets and cushions. This, accompanied by an outrageous amount of snack foods, meant the night promised to be a good one.

Banter was expected.

Play fighting was inevitable. (Especially after how much Pidge had bragged about kicking Lance's butt for several minutes afterwards).

What he didn't predict, was the kiss that Pidge gave him after he'd pinned her down. At first, he suspected it was her attempt at freedom, a ploy to throw him off so she could escape. Yet, when she deepened it, all rational thought was lost.

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