These small hours

610 15 2

Lance couldn't sleep.

The makeshift bed in his lion was uncomfortable and stiff. It made finding a comfortable spot impossible, and sleeping even more so. He'd tried every sleeping position he could think of, to no prevail.

It was 2 am, or at least he thought it was. He couldn't tell on this planet. The nights were 13 hours of the 40 hour day. Was there even a 2 am here?

Damn it.

With an exasperated sigh, Lance propped himself up by his elbows. It was no use. Lance got to his feet. His eyes stung from the lack of sleep, and his chest ached. Maybe a bit of fresh air would help him settle.

The air on the moon was light and crisp, with only a slight chill hanging over the grass. As he stepped out of his lion, Lance filled his lungs wìth the cold air and shuddered. Every ounce of the anxiety and neck ache that kept him up was drifting away, small tears picking at the corners of his eyes.

He needed this.

There was a crunching beneath his feet with every step Lance took. Every one causing the stress in his shoulders to drop with his heart rate. He came to a halt a few feet away from his lion. Without a second thought, Lance dropped to his knees, hands pawing at the ground beneath him.

Lance could feel every cool blade of grass running between his fingers. Every movement of the wind that glided through it. He'd never felt so grounded. Lance ran his tongue across his bottom lip.

Inhale. Exhale.

A loud clunk to his right withdrew Lance from his thoughts, his head twisting to the source of the sound. To his surprise, Lance saw the head of the Green lion lowering to the ground, a small silhouette stood in it's gaping jaws.


Lance's pulse quickened as he watched the small figure take a few steps forward, and then fall to her knees, curling up into a ball. Instinct took a hold of Lance, forcing him to his feet and toward the small shape.

Curiosity was getting the better of him.

When his eyes focused in on her, Lance saw Pidge sat cross legged on the grass, her hands clawing at the back of her hair. With every passing second her chest stuttered, soft sobbing ringing in his ears.

Did she even know he was there?

"Can't sleep either?" Lance said calmly, taking a seat by her side. At the sound if his voice, Pidge's shoulders stiffened. She could feel his eyes on her, her skin crawling the more she thought about it. No one was meant to be awake. No one is meant to see her cry.

She sat silent, unmoving.

Pidge knew if she even so much as moved her lips she would snap. She didn't want to do that to Lance. She couldn't.

"Yeah, the lions aren't the most comfortable thing to sleep in." Lance continued, swinging his head up to look at the stars. Through the jet black sky ran a river of silver. A galaxy, not very dissimilar looking to their own. A sigh escaped from Lance's lungs.

"Want to talk about it?"

Even with the muffled utterance that it was, Lance could tell it was a firm no.

It's hard to be in love with someone who shuts you out... and yet, Lance wouldn't change a thing.

As unresponsive as Pidge was being, Lance couldn't just leave her, not in the state she was in. Lance's mind grasped at ideas, trying to think of what his sister would do to calm him down.

Small talk it is then.

"It's fascinating isn't it?" Lance said softly, his gaze focusing back to the sky. "How something so vast can be so relaxing."

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