Forest sprites

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The Paladins had been on Olkarion for just over 3 days now. Ryner needed Pidge's help to snuff out a virus that was spreading on the western side of the planet, which was causing the trees to ineffectivly communicate with one another.

Sure Lance enjoyed Olkarion, the vast forests and blue waters reminded him of Earth and nursed his homesickness.

But there was only so much wandering around the main city that the blue paladin could take.

On that day in particular, the weather had fluctuated and sent temperatures rocketing. An unusual occurrence on Olkarion that was for sure. It also happened to be the day that Lance had offered to accompany Pidge to the far side of the forest. That was where she had pinpointed the root of the problem.

"Come on then, sharpshooter. Get your butt in gear we need to go now." Pidge sighed impatiently, tapping her foot as she waited outside Lance's room.

"I know I'm hurrying," she heard a voice through the door.

"Well hurry quicker. It'll be dark soon at this rate." Pidge scoffed,

"Pidge, I can't find my jacket."

"Well then go without it. Besides with how hot it is outside I doubt you'd actually wear it." Pidge said, watching as Lances door swung open, revealing his flustered expression. At this, Pidge simply raised an eyebrow. "Ready?"

Lance nodded slowly in reply, before joining her at her side to start their little mission. Not really a mission, but Lance had decided to call it that. They walked briskly beside one another for some time, until they came to th3 edge of denser forest. The great trees rose into the sky and cast patchy shadows down onto the earth below.

It didn't take long for Pidge to locate the virus. A large root of one of the over hanging trees had become unearthed, and severed the main connection to the surrounding fauna.

Pidge sighed heavily, kneeling down directly in front of the root. She could feel the soft soil under her knees, and it squelched every time she shifted her weight.

She still didn't care for the outdoors.

Lance meanwhile had taken to sitting on a fallen branch, happily swinging his legs and humming a mysterious tune to himself. He, unlike Pidge, loved being surrounded by nature. It was calming and made his chest rise and fall in a regular pattern.

"Will you stop that it's very distracting." He heard Pidge snap, her sparing him a sharp glance over her shoulder.

"What's the matter? Not a fan of the Gypsy Kings?" Lance teased, wiggling his eye brows at her.

"Clearly not," he heard Pidge grumble, her tone just as harsh as it usually is when she's working. Lance smiled to himself.

He had an idea.

"Well... Volare is a classic so you're missing out," he added, getting to his feet with an audible thud. Pidge didn't even turn round to investigate the noise. The sooner she finished, the sooner she could be out of this mud.

"Dance with me," she could practically heard the smug expression on Lance's face. Pidge stopped what she was doing, and turned to face the blue paladin. She sighed, scowelling up at him,

"Lance," she bit back at him, her brows knitted together with a frown. The blue paladin held out his hands in exasperation.

"What? I'm bored and this is taking forever," He grumbled, plonking himself back onto the branch.

"In what reality did you expect me to ever say yes?" Pidge sighed, turning back to her work. A few more doboshes and she'd be done.

"Well definitely not this one cause I'm stuck with the grumpiest Pidge out of every reality." He rolled his eyes, sticking out his bottom lip as he sulked.

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