How?! (N/A)

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How did this happen?! 2k?!?! I really don't like to do this stuff because it annoys me every time someone updates and it's not an actual episode, but wow. I started doing this because I loved making up stories and situations for the characters or people that I loved but never wrote them down. And honestly the Newscapecrew fandom is great, they are so nice, relatable and make so many good stories and encounters and I love it even more since they are my absolute favorite youtuber's!! I always wanted to do stuff on wattpad related to them but didn't think that my writing skills were good enough or I wasn't funny or even original with my stuff. But when I actually got to start writing the episodes to make myself and my friend 'Katty' laugh, I noticed that I really liked getting a positive response to them and kept making more.

When I noticed how happy it made me to create something that was worth something and getting that positive feedback, I started to consider uploading it. I was so nervous and didn't think people would like it that much and that it wasn't gonna get recognized by the community. When I actually uploaded the first two episodes I did not look at my phone the rest of the day and went to sleep. The next day at school, I turned on my phone (I go really early to school lol) I immediately got like 5 messages from wattpad and they were all from this book. I've never gotten likes on my other book at the moment and this was exactly the next day and it was so accelerating for me. I love you guys so fucking much and thank you for all of this and I can't say it enough. Honestly, this has to be one of the best Christmas present I could ever get. See you next time guys.

🎄🎁 Merry Christmas 🎁🎄

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