Chapter 42

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The silence between them had spoken volumes when they had first met , but now it weighed them down.

None of them spoke because there was nothing to say.

Real apology took a lot of courage and understanding of the pain that was caused.

Rania knew what she had to do and this time she wouldn't back down , he had crossed his limits and had to bear the consequence.

In, the night when all were asleep, their were some who were awake
the either it was pain or love that kept sleep at bay.

Rania was awake to make a life- altering decision. She waited patiently for Sean.

He came and when he saw her sitting at the stool by the dressing table, a sense of deja vu swept him, if only.....

He took his jacket off ,she kept staring at him ,he couldn't make out the meaning of the look.

They kept looking at one another , and after what it seemed like an eternity she spoke.

' We can't go on like this after what happened that night'.

He stood there knowing he had no explanations this time.

' I apologize for my misbehavior, and '.

Before he could complete she cut him in the middle

' I'm sorry for cutting you in the middle , but I don't know what you can say that makes all this right, we aren't for each other, it was revenge after all and what happened between us in Amsterdam was wrong and this marriage too'.

She slowed down and again spoke with a finalty in her voice' I can't stay with you after that night, so I have arranged for my accommodation somewhere else you don't have to worry and after that i'll leave london'.

He looked at her ,his heart shattering little by little.

He paced forward and stood behind her and leaned in his face near her ears' does this feel wrong to you in any way'.

She shuddered but looked away, her resolve was strong.

She stood up from her place and turned towards the door but he beat her to it, and bolted it and in an instant her eyes went wide and showed fear.

' listen to me please, I know i can't say anything that makes it ok! But what i feel for you is undeniable'.

' I love you Rania Knightley with all my heart and soul and I know it doesn't change anything'.

She turned towards the door to hide her expressions, tears falling her heart was giddy with joy ,but her self respect outshone all confessions of love.

And, then she felt a hug from behind, it was him pouring his love in that gesture, what? Poor luck! Indeed.

' please ,don't I can't ' she pleaded while struggling to free herself of that embrace which could melt her heart.

' no , if you are leaving me I have to know I did my best, ' and he turned her facing him and cupped her cheeks.

' Don't touch me, I can't take it , what you did that day comes back and I don't know how to go back to before'. She sobbed and he put his hands down.

' I'm sorry , forgive me please' he said.

But she steeled herself and left the room.

And he knew this was final goodbye.

The next morning was usual but for two souls ,it was a sign of departure.

Rania went down for breakfast and after half an hour she went up to take her bags.

Mr and Mrs Knightley was oblivious to the reason of her sudden leaving , they knew she was going to spend some time at her mother's friend's place.

As, she sat in the car send by her Mrs. Jay she knew it was the last time here.

She looked up to her rooms window , he was already looking down at her, their gaze were unflinching and it coveyed the unspoken between them.

As , she left he picked up his cellphone and called' follow her car , I want to know she is safe'.

He knew that he was wrong and he couldn't undo the deed he had done , regret came at a great cost after you had lost what you priced the most.

Love was all consuming so was regret and loss.

Their story was unconventional and so was their love.

As, Rania reached the house, she was welcomed with warm smiles but if didn't matter ,she didn't notice.

Her heart felt heavy and she cried as she entered the room given to her.

Why did he ruin everything?

Why did he confess his love now?

Why couldn't she ever stop thinking about him?

Why did she ever meet him?

As, those questions wrecked havoc at her mind she drifted to an uneasy sleep.

And, Sean when he got to know her current address rushed to his car and drove.

He stood outside just knowing she was inside calmed him, even though they were apart. It felt serene to be in her vicinity.

He breathed the same air as her, his head back at the headrest. He imagined her face, her beautiful hair ,her smile.

He sat in his car longing for her.

And then he banged his hand on the steering wheel and felt tears prickling at his eyes.

Love was torture if it was not fulfilled.

And he felt the full brunt of it.


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