An Unexpected Event

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"Emma come on, please. Open the door so we can at least talk."

       I hesitate for a second, debating on whether I should let her in for a bit or not, but I end up getting up, unlocking the door with a sigh. She comes in, following me as I go to the couch and cover myself with the blanket on the couch.

       She sits by me and sighs, looking at me somewhat concerned. "What's going on, Emma?"

      "What do you mean?" I sigh as I hug the covers closer.

      I have no idea why she is acting so kind lately, but she has been acting very thoughtful. 

      I shrug as she scoots closer. "You seem... different. Are you sure you are okay?"

      I look at her as I shrug, not believing what I'm hearing. The mayor is in my apartment, basically inches away from me. 

      I grab the remote from the side table as I hand it to her. "Pick something to watch?"

      "I thought you had someone coming over?" She grabs it as she starts the search for a movie. 

      I look down as I hum a little. "Well, maybe I lied."

      She let out a soft chuckle, smiling as she looked to me, her eyes traveling my face before looking back at the TV. Looking at her from this view is so.... adorable. She's relaxed, looks like she has no worries in the world. I snap out of my gaze as she lays her head on my lap, taking off her heels as I watch, her sighing in relief as she shifts some.

      "Would you like some different clothes? I have some Joggers you could wear." I smile, her gaze meeting my own.

      She smiles as she sits up. "Really? You'd let me borrow your clothes?"

      "I don't see what the problem is. I mean, it's if you want to" I shrug and smile.

     She smiles and nods as I get up, going to my room. I don't notice her following behind me, digging through the drawers trying to find her some joggers, me not being the most organized person. I feel hands on my hips, scooting me away from the dresser as she opens the drawer fully.

      "R-Regina wait!" I try to get back at my drawers as she takes out some pieces, folding them and separating them into small piles on the floor.

     She stops when she sees a pair of red plaid boxers, my face turning a deep red when she looks at me, still holding them. "So, that's why you say you're not lonely. You have a man here."

      "Uhm, no... I just-- I like to wear them is all" I rub the back of my neck, biting my lip.

      She puts them back and I see her face drop a bit, almost as if she is jealous from the thought. "Are you sure? I mean, if that's why you say someone was coming over..."

      She turns back to the dresser, placing the boxers in a different pile as she folds the rest of the clothes into the drawer. I slowly go behind her, grabbing her hips as I turn her.

      "I don't have anyone. I don't want to have anyone. Except one person I know I can't have." I move a stray piece of hair that had fallen into her face, speaking a bit softer than normal.

      She gazes into my eyes for a while before she pushes her lips onto mine. I'm taken back by the sudden action, but I kiss back almost desperately. Our tongues battle as we kiss, mine gaining the dominance as she lets me explore her mouth. 

      She pulls away a bit as she smiles. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Her hand reaches up, cupping my cheek softly.

      "You...You've been waiting?" I speak a bit shocked, smiling some as I bite my lip.

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