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I SLOWLY OPEN my eyes. My vision is blurry still and I have a really bad headache. God, my head hurts so bad. I look up and around. The room I'm in is dark. Only little light from the ceiling is available. I squint at the brightness. I don't think I'm at the hotel anymore.
"Well. Look who decided to wake up," a deep, British voice says.
My eyes widen. No. It can't be.
"Yes, Peter. It can be," Advent says walking into the spotlight.
"No..." I croak. "Where am I...? Where's my mother...?"
"Oh, you poor thing!" Advent cooes, resting a palm on my cheek. I flinch at the touch. "Shhh. It's alright."
"I swear, if you touched Mom-"
"Shhh. I didn't hurt your mother this time, Peter. You're lucky. You're special too," Advent says.
"Special?" I ask.
Advent nods. "Yes. You have a heart. Like your mother. You can't kill. Won't even hurt a fly. Well...that can be arranged."
Advent grabs a needle, a thin, long, sharp one. Inside it's filled with liquid. The liquid is neon blue and he taps it with his finger. He grins evilly, too.
I'm tied to the chair. My hands are tied behind the back of my chair with ropes tied around my wrists tightly. My ankles are tied to the legs of the chair securely too. Ropes go around my thighs. This sucks.
As Advent walks toward me, smiling evilly; the needle still in his hand, I struggle. My hands try to untie the knot but no luck. I grunt here and there.
"Just hold still, young Peter, and everything will be just fine!" Advent says.
When he leaned into my face as he said that, I spit right in his eye. My vision's not blurry anymore but I still have that headache.
"EFF YOU!" I scream, tugging on my ropes and trying to break free.
Now, do you really think I said "Eff?"
"Man," Advent says. "For a boy who can't kill, he sure does have a potty mouth!"
I growl. "I swear. Hurt my family, that includes my father, my mother, my brother, my uncles, my grandparents, my Mom's friends, my friends...I'll kill you. I'll find you and I'll kill you!"
Advent chuckles and says, "That's ironic Peter. You know that."
"Shut up! Just shut up! Shut up!" I scream. I think I'm crying too but I don't care. "Just SHUT UP! LET ME GO!"
Advent cups my chin. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Peter."
"Why not?!" I demand.
Boy, was I angry.
Advent smiles. A smile that makes me want to punch him in the face. A smile that makes me sick. I snarl at him and growl at him like a dog.
"Wade? Would you care to do the honors?" Advent asks.
Wade? I think. There's no way he can here! Last time I saw him was when he was with Mom back at the hotel.
"Oh he's here all right," Advent says slowly.
Is he a physic? Can Advent read my thoughts? That's a scary thought right there.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I can," Advent says, grinning; the needle still in his hand.
"How?" I ask aloud.
"Part of my powers, Peter. I can hear your thoughts," Advent explains.
"How's my brother here?" I say, hesitantly. "What-"
That's when he steps into the light. Out of the shadows, comes my brother. Wade. Wade Reynolds. My eyes widen and I gasp. Wade's in his Deadpool suit but not with the mask. His eyes are red and puffy. He must've been crying. Has he been working with Advent this whole freaking time?!
"I'm sorry..." Wade apologizes, his voice low and shaky.
"Wade...?" I say in disbelief.
"Ah, lookie here. Just what I wanted!" Advent laughs.
"I'm so sorry, Peter..." Wade says.
I stare at him with my jaw dropped. No. No way. He can' all we've been through together!
My shock soon turns to anger.
"No..." I whisper, tears swelling in my eyes. "It can't be...Wade why-"
"He said...he said that if I helped him, it would...I could protect Mom and you..." Wade explains.
"And you fell for that?!" I yell, angrily. "You fell for that?! Please tell me you didn't fall for that, Wade!"
Wade gulps and rubs the back of his neck nervously. "I uh...may have fallen for that..."
I mentally slapped my forehead. If I could, I would. But my hands are tied behind my back so...yeah...
"I'm so sorry Peter! I-"
"You're a traitor!" I growl at Wade. "You're a traitor to the family, Wade!"
Wade winces. He purses his lips tightly into a thin line and doesn't meet my eyes.
"I'll leave you two boys alone! Have fun!" Advent says, cheerfully and grinning.
Advent walks out and closes the door behind him. It's silent between us. We don't say a word. I just stare at Wade and Wade stares at his feet, trying not to cry. I can't believe this. I can't believe my freaking brother right now. How stupid he is.
"Dad would've been very disappointed in you, Wade," I hiss.
Wade's bottom lip wobbles as small tears drips down his cheeks. He hates this. He does I can tell. He gulps and cries.
"I-I know, P-Peter," Wade sobs. "I-I'm sorry. P-Please don't t-tell M-Mom about this! P-Please!" Wade begs.
"I want to," I growl through gritted teeth. "I want to so bad Wade. What do you think Mom would have done if he found out about all of this, huh?! What do you think he would have done if he discovered that his youngest son kidnapped his own brother and was working with an arch nemesis?! Mom's stressed out as it is, Wade. He's been through a lot. He lost his husband, the man he loved most. He lost his youngest son...he thought you were DEAD! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! You scared all of us Wade. Then, Mom lost me. Because I took the initiative and I ran out driving to God knows where looking for you! I found you, only to known as Deadpool, the mercenary like in the comics. I save you. Then we learn we learn that our mother got kidnapped by Advent. We found Mom and we saved him. And here we are. Oh, have I mention that Uncle Harrison proposed to our mother and our mother said yes to his proposal? And I became Spider-Man."
Wade's fully crying now. So am I. God, we're so tired. I don't know how many days I've had without sleep. I just want to be in the comfort of my own home and I assume Wade does too. I want to see Mom. His beautiful eyes. His smile. I want to hear his laugh again. I want...I want my father. But I know that can't happen because he's dead.
I flinch at the thought. I sniffle and look at Wade with teary eyes.
"Go ahead. Be a traitor. Do it, Wade," I say.
Wade shakes his head side to side, eyes closed. His hands grip the needle Advent gave him before he walked out of the room. Wade's hands tremble and his lips wobble.
"Do it," I say, my voice a whisper.
"I-I can't..." Wade whispers. "I'm scared..."
It breaks my heart to see him like this. It truly does. I smile softly at Wade. I'm glad he's fighting. I'm glad he's trying to fight Advent's power. I'm glad he's not truly a traitor to the least...not yet...
"Shh," I soothe. "It's okay, Wade. I'm angry yes. But I'm also proud of you."
He looks up at me with red and puffy eyes. Tears roll down his cheeks.
"You are...?" Wade asks.
I smile and nod. "Yes, I am."
"How can you be proud of me, Peter...after everything I've done to you...after everything I've done to our mother?"
"You're fighting him. You're fighting Advent. You may not realize it but you are. You're refusing his orders. That's what makes you strong, Wade. That's what makes you a hero, Wade. I'm proud. I'm proud of you for that."
Wade smiles the slightest smile and he wipes his eyes with the back of his sleeve. He drops the needle. My eyes widen and I smile. Wade runs up to me and hugs me tightly, crying into my shoulder.
"I'm so so sorry, Peter!" he sobs. "I hope you can forgive me!"
I smile softly and chuckle, "I do. I do forgive you, Wade."
"Now," I say, whispering. "Can you untie me? How much time do we have left to escape?"
"Not much," Wade responds, "we have to hurry though."
I nod. Wade flips his pocket knife out and cuts the ropes that are tied securely around my ankles. He cuts the ropes that are around my thighs. He runs behind me and cuts the ropes that are tied to my wrists.
Wade helps me up and I rub my wrists.
"You ready?" I say.
Wade grins, a grin meaning he's ready to take down anything. He grabs my wrists and kicks down the door with one leg. We zigzag through the guards guarding the building.
There. I see it. Our way to freedom! The front door of the building! I smile! A real smile! I've never been this excited and happy in my entire life!
"Where do you think you're going?!" Advent says.
My eyes widen. No. Not him. Not again.
In front of him is my mother. An arm is around Mom's throat and a gun pointed to Mom's temple. Mom's hands claw at Advent's wrists. Mom's struggling to break free.
"Mom!" Wade cries. "Let him go!"
Advent chuckles. "I don't think so, Wade."
"Please," I beg. Look at that. I'm begging. "Let Mom go. He didn't do anything!"
"You're right, Peter. He didn't. But. In order to get you boys to do what I want, this is the only way."
How I want to kill Advent right now.
Advent cocks the gun. Mom whimpers and jerks his head way. Advent leans in and sniffs Mom's neck. Mom's breath hitches in surprise. Then he does it. Advent leans in. He bites Mom's neck. He kisses Mom's neck.
I clench my fists. My blood boiling with rage. I grit my teeth. Then I lash out. I tackle Advent to the ground. The gun fires but thankfully Mom's unharmed. Wade catches Mom and drags him back.
I'm on top of Advent, my arm against Advent's throat and a fist up in the air, ready to punch him. Advent smiles.
"Go ahead, Peter," Advent says.
I hesitate. I freaking HESITATE. But, instead of punching the man I shoot a web at his wrists. Advent looks at me confused. I shoot a web up to the ceiling. The web ties itself around a beam tightly so it can support the wait of Advent's body.
Here's what I'm going to do: With the web tied to the beam, I pull down the string and tie the end into a knot on Advent's wrist. I hop off of him and Advent flings upward. He struggles a bit. I smile and cross my arms.
"How does it feel to be tied up, huh?" I taunt. "Not very fun isn't it?"
He growls and his eyes narrows. "This isn't over Peter. I will find you. I will find your mother. Your beautiful mother and I will kill him. I will!"
I ignore him and walk over to Mom, who's shaking against Wade's body.
"Hey, Mom," I say.
"Hey, sweetheart," Mom says to me.
I smile. It's good to hear his voice again.
"You okay, Mama?" Wade asks.
Mom nods and he hugs us both. "I'm so proud of you boys. So so proud of you. You're father would've been proud of you both right now too."
I smile and hug him tighter. I bury my face into the crook of his neck. Wade does the same.
"I love you, Mom," I say.
"I love you more, Mom!" Wade argues.
Mom chuckles. "I love you both no matter what."

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