Chapter 3: Feelings

Start from the beginning

"And she never got back into being a doctor?" I asked.

"Nope," Peridot answered. "She's never told me why, but for some reason, I think it's because she can't work as quickly anymore since she's not a werewolf."

"Geez," I said.

Peridot closed the door to the cabin and led me to the bedroom. She opened it, revealing a nicely lit room with a rather expensive looking bed. I looked back at Peridot, once again questioning how she had afforded all of this.

"Set your stuff on the bed," she said. "We can put it all up later."

"Okay," I responded.

We both put our bags on the bed. It didn't seem fit for a little log cabin. A bed like this felt like it should have been in a royal castle.

Peridot took my hand again and took me to the living room. "Sit down," she said. "I'll be right back."

I sat down in front of the fireplace and waited for her to come back. When she did, she had a pile of firewood in her arms. I moved over so she could put them in the fireplace. Then she walked to the kitchen, returned with a lighter, and lit a fire in the fireplace.

"Nice and warm," she said, reaching towards the fire.

"I thought you didn't get cold," I responded.

"I don't," Peridot said. "But you do."

I kept my spot in front of the fireplace and warmed it. It really did feel nice and warm. Peridot turned on the television, and we watched it together. We were watching a movie. It was a comedy. For once, Peridot looked interested. That made me just as interested.

Night came quickly. It became dark in the cabin. I climbed onto the much-too-fancy bed and tucked myself in. Peridot followed, rolling over so she could snuggle with me.

"Are you warm enough?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Good," Peridot replied.

We closed our eyes and fell asleep together. I had never experienced as quiet of a night as I was experiencing then. There weren't an trains, cars, or anything. Just the natural sounds of wind blowing tree leaves and animals scurrying around outside. I was asleep within minutes.

The next morning, the sun was shining through the window right into my face. I growled.

"Stupid sun," I mumbled.

I looked up at the window. It was extremely bright. There was no way it was early morning.

"What time is it?" I whispered.

I looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was past noon.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "It's nearly one o' clock!"

I looked over to wake Peridot up. I gasped. She was gone. She wasn't in the bed with me.

"Peridot?!" I cried. "Peridot!"

I jumped out of bed. I didn't care that I was still in my pajamas with messy hair. I had to find Peridot.

"Peridot!" I shouted. "Peridot! Where are you?!"

I ran into the living room. There wasn't a response.

"Peridot!" I shouted.

I heard the quietest murmur. I looked behind myself. In the corner, there was Peridot with her back turned to me and covered with a teal blanket.

"Peridot?" I asked. "What are you doing?"

She didn't respond. I quietly knelt behind her and tried to pull the blanket off of her. With much more force than I was expecting, she pulled it back over herself.

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