Should I tell them or not?||Chapter sixteen

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To much to handle! What am I going to tell them?!

Scott walked into my room I had a sad look on my face I then looked down and sighed. He sat down beside me and put his arms around me I tried not to cry but I turned to him as soon as I did his embrace tighten as I started to cry he rubbed my back.

"Its okay Allison... We'll get through this together I promise." Scott said in a low whisper.

"Its not okay!" I yelled I pulled out of his embrace and got up off the bed he stood up and grabbed my wrist while I was walking away from him.

"How is it not okay?" Scott asked with a confused voice.

"Because I'm pregnant!" I yelled Thankfully no one was in the house. I thought he pulled my wrist which made me closer to him I placed my forehead on his and sighed.

"I'm sorry Scott." I said.

"Its okay... I love you Allison no matter what." He said.

I placed my hand on his cheek and we kissed slowly once then stopped but I kissed again.

"I love you too.... But we need to talk to them... All of them." I said sadly.

"It can wait though." He said.

He's right Allison! You just found out a few days ago. I thought then all the sudden someone burst through the door Scott pushed me behind him and a growl came out of the corner of him mouth.

Who was at the door?! Maybe its a hunter.... Or another werewolf here to kill us or another psycho Alpha.. Or a Darach or something... Or worst...... My /Mother/ and that would be the end of Scott right there.


HEY! Sorry I've been super busy now that school Started! Also sorry its a short chapter!


~ LoyalProtecter <3

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