Jingle Balls and Snow Bells

Start from the beginning

That evening, all of the Gryffindors gathered in the common room for a little Christmas party: tomorrow would be last day of school of the year, and most people would be leaving in the evening. By eleven, most of the younger students had gone to bed and one of the seventh years brought out several bottles of booze.

"For you, milady," James slurred, bringing me my third bottle of butterbeer and cognac. Though I didn't really care for butterbeer, the cognac made it much more tolerable. 

"Gosh and golly, Prongsy, anyone would think you were trying to get drunk." I giggled, spilling quite a bit of the drink down my front as I took a sip.

"Oh, well, it's only because I want to enjoy the hidden pleasures of your body." He said, not even able to keep his face straight through the sentence, hardly managing to spit out the last words as he roared with laughter.

I, too, howled with laughter. At that moment, Sirius fell off the table he had been a rigorous air guitar solo on and landed on the floor in front of me. 

"Hey there, handsome." I said, creeping onto the floor and leaning over his face.

He grinned at me, his eyes as clouded over as my mind felt and blew my hair out of his eyes. "Hey, sunshine."

I giggled. He sat up and we were just belting through a verse of 'God Bless ye merry hippogriff' when a hand closed around mine.

"Dance with me, Ollie!" It was Oliver.

I was about to complain, but then my favourite song started playing, and I met Oliver's twinkling eyes.

We started jumping up and down, moving closer and closer and singing the lyrics to "I wanna dance with somebody" (guilty pleasure song, but who can deny that it is great).

By the end of the song, everyone was breathing heavily and shining with sweat. My head was spinning from all the dancing, alcohol, food, and the proximity to Oliver. Our chests were practically touching.

I let out a giddy laugh, and stumbled as I tried to take a step back. Instead of falling back and cracking my spine against the table behind me, however, I landed softly in someone's arms. 

"You," Sirius said, "Have had enough to drink. Up to bed, I think."

"She's fine, she just tripped." Oliver said.

"She's obviously not fine, and should be put to rest." Sirius said. I turned my head to look at Sirius, his arms were still around me. His eyes were now sharp and clear, and were glaring at Oliver.

"Sirius, you're so strict. But I should go beddy-byes. Good night Lolliver." I slurred.

Sirius put his arm firmly around my waist to keep me from falling over. When we came to the stairs, I almost fell down three times before Sirius stopped walking. "I'm going to pick you up, okay?"

"Yeah, ok." 

He picked me up and held me carefully, not like the time in first year when he had thrown me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh, crap, I forgot you don't share a dormitory with us, I went the wrong way."

"That's ok, I'll sleep on the floor." I said, my words melting together.

He pushed open the door to their dormitory and laid me down slowly on one of the beds.

"You're a mess." He said, inspecting the spilled butterbeer.

"You aren't," I commented, "Why not?"

"Well, one of us has to take of the other, right?" He smiled softly as he picked some crisps out of my hair.

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