"Oh gawd... And I suppressed it!" Sans growled, he thought further back in the past and found so many pure moments of (Y/n).

It was a whole new feeling for him, to 'live' in the past.

'Maybe... I should go home and... remember some nasty thing' With this thought, Sans snapped and landed accidentally a small inch next to his bed. With a hard clonk, he fell on the floor and howling of the pain.

He stood up, rubbing his spine through his jacket and jumped cursing on his bed. His eyes went on the white ceiling, returning to (Y/n). With a nervous chuckle, he activated his glowing eye, feeling his yet calmed dick between his bones. With another snap, he groped his soul out of his chest, examining it expectantly.


With a brief sigh, he started to remind himself of the last night. (Y/n) spat his cum at his face, no, this wasn't the thing he wanted to remember.

(Y/n) didn't wear a bra under his jacket, so he could easily massage her boobs and nipples. Her boobs were so soft and her nipples... ugh!

Sans noticed with a dirty grin, that his member started to pulsate a little.

With one hand, he wandered down his spine, rubbing at his sweet spot, causing him to lol a little. Sans thought back, when (Y/n) kissed and nibbled at his neck, rubbing it with his second hand. His lust raised further and further, when he suddenly decided to grab his dick and moved his hand up and down.

"Ah~ (Y/n). Shit~" His eye sockets closed half shut, glittering full of heat and his hand rubbed his glowing dick faster. It started to pulsate crazy and Sans lolled howling in his bed.

Short time, before he came, he forced himself to stop rubbing 'it', causing him to twitch unsatisfied and growling. He some how hated to teas himself, but he couldn't resist to do it. His hand palms clinched into his blanket and he pressed his teeth on each other, waited for his dick to calm down again.

Just to start rubbing it again and deny his cum again.

After a few tries, he was denying his cum, he rubbed his dick again, this time further as all the time he did before and finally... he released his glowing cum over his upper body. The substance splashed on his dirty white t-shirt, leaving some disgusting stains on it.

"Oh... Damn~ I made a mess, tho. I should take a shower and..." Sans suddenly stared at his still floating soul.

"IT'S REALLY GLOWING! SHIT!" The joyful scream was hearable in whole Snowdin, Sans jumped around happy in his room and whirling around with his soul in his hands. After a few minutes, he settled down again, sitting on his bed and putting his soul back in his chest.

"I should take a bath now. And get this clothes outta m'room or (Y/n) will ask m'bout this." Sans sighed and get the fully splashed blanket and shirt, threw it in his wardrobe and fled in the bathing room. The tube was filled with water and after a few seconds, Sans was laying in the hot substance and sighing satisfied.

He let his soul float again out of his chest, eying it happy and starting to hum softly.

The minutes passed. Sans grew more tired.

But then...

Ring Ring

His phone rang again, he expected it to be (Y/n), but it was his brother Papyrus. He was calling him and Sans took the call, after he dried his bony hands with a towel.

"Sup, Bro? Why ya callin?"

"SANS? I'M GOOD, BUT... (Y/n) is acting weird lately... She's feeling dizzy and Ink's girlfriend is comforting her in the moment. I think, we'll be back soon. Maybe you could, make a tea or something?" Papyrus voice sounded very worried and Sans jumped out of the tube immediately, when he heard the thing about his girlfriend.

"Yeah, Yeah. Of course!" Sans groped a pink towel, from the huge hill, wrapped himself into it and ran towards his room. He still held his phone in his hands, asking Papyrus, if he could give (Y/n) to him.

"YES, SURE! HERE YOU GO, BROTHER!" He heard an uncomfortable noise, then a soft 'Hello, Sansy.'

"Hey, Bonehead. I've heard u r kinda sick? Watcha doin, lil Bonehead?"

"heh... heh... I dunno, Sansy. Just feeling weird and dizzy. Pibs and Papyrus are comforting me, when I feel good enough, we can come home. Ink is talking to Error in the moment, but Pibs... She's really nice to me... uh... um... I miss you, Sans." Her voice sounded weak and a little despaired, then another person grabbed her phone and talked to Sans.

"Heya! You're UT Sans, right? I think, (Y/n) is ready to come home soon. I'll just send Paps and (Y/n) through the portal, they should arrive in front of your house door. I'll get Ink and then come over too! He just stuck with Error in the moment, so sorry. Well, See ya!"

The strange voice said and a few seconds later, the person hung up.

"Oh gosh... what did she do this time?" With new clothes, Sans stepped down the staircase and hurried into the kitchen. He looked for a few flavors of tea bags, but only one was left. A screwed-up mint tea bag, but Sans didn't care.

He dragged a halfway clean pan over at the hot plate and pour in some water, that he could get from the too high water sink.

He was so in his thoughts, that he didn't notice to even turn on the plate. Soon there was a knock at the door and pulled him out of his skull. He rushed up to it and opened it up fast.


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