Merry Christmas

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MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 Hello all my yaoi readers. So glad you came back. Christmas break means a Christmas story so let's get into it. I'm so excited. This is no smut just fluff. Hope you like.

Dipper and Bill sat by the crackling fire that made glowing red embers floating through the air, seated on the rug next to the roasting fire. While Dipper brought hot chocolate to the table beside them to set it down.

" You look so handsome with the glow of the fire hitting your face~" Bill said.

Dipper looked down letting Red rose of his
cheeks spread throughout his face.

"Your there are so very handsome whenever you blush" Bill said cupping Dippers face.

Dipper kissed Bill hands. "Merry Christmas, my love" Dipper said

"Merry Christmas my little human~" Bill said

Pulling Dipper close by the waist kissing his sweet soft lips which tasted like hot chocolate and marshmallows "mmm you taste so good." Bills said smiling.

Sorry the writing being so short but Merry Christmas to all of you readers out there.  I appreciate every single view and all the votes I had broken my hand in a recent accident but um be assured that this won't stop me from writing in the future.

What is life without yaoi~?

Your author always K.T

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