Come and get it

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On the first day of school Dipper was trying to find his locker and on the way there Dipper saw a boy with golden hair hanging around a bunch of what looked like the popular kids. Pacifica and Robbie were around him.

Dipper turned around to unlock his locker then heard Pacifica say something to the guy with the golden hair. 'Nudge' "Hey look it's Dipper." "Who?" Bill said turning to look in that direction.

Bills eyes fell upon Dippers body, Bill started blushing.

"Hey Bill are you okay?" Pacifica asked?

Bill just nodded, and walked away, Dippers eyes followed him down the hall. Then Dipper went on his way to go to class.

-After School-

"Hey you." Bill called out to Dipper. Dipper turned around. "Are you talking to me?" He asked.

"Yes..." Bill said slowly starting to blush again.

"What can I help you with?" Dipper asked

"Um... go-go on a dat-" Bill was interrupted by Robbie, "Hey Bill let's go see that movie." He said. "Um yeah.." Bill said dropping a note.

Dipper looked down and saw the note, he picked it up and unfolded it, it read.

" I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to ask you in person so if your interested, come and meet me outside in the woods near the Bigfoot print at 9:00."

Then a voice called to Dipper "Dipper!" It was Mabel. "Ready to go home goofball?" Mabel said rubbing his hat. "You mean Gruncle Stan's? Yeah sure." Dipper said shoving Mabel. As they headed to Gruncle Stan's.


Dipper wanted to see what this was all about so he snuck out his window to slide down the roof then shimmy down the pole. Dipper started walking into the woods he heard foot steps besides his own not far behind him. So hid behind a tree and waited for the foot steps to get closer hold a branch he picked up. Then they stopped. Just all of a sudden. Dipper got tense then saw a yellow light grow from dim to bright. He peaked his head around the tree.

"Bill?! What's that's coming out of your hand???" Dipper said still holding the stick.

Bill snapped his hand close then it went dark. "You weren't meant to see that." Bill said.

"Well I did, and don't you dare come any closer!" Dipper said tightening his grip.

"Okay I'll tell you but first put the stick down." Bill said

"Why should I?" Dipper asked

"Because then you can't hit me if what I show you freaks you out." Bill said letting the flame once again rise from his palm.

Dipper lowered the tip of the stick. "Come on out it down all the way." Bill said

"No! Now explain what the fuck is going on with your hand!" Dipper said.

Bill backed away. "I would be easier to show you like this." Bill said. As his whole body was enveloped with golden light. His body conformed into a isosceles triangle.

"Your - your a demon?...." "YOUR A DEMON?" "Why the fuck would you tell me to come out here to meet you. I knew something was wrong I shouldn't come or here, and why are you showing me your true form? I should just kill you right now." Dipper said.

"But you won't." Bill said calmly.

"And why won't I?!" Dipper said raising the stick again.

"Because one you don't have the book to vanquish me, or knew the spell. I came to you in my true form, because something told me I could trust you." Bill said

"And if that something is wrong?" Dipper asked.

"If it is your would have run off by now or tried to kill me." Bill said

Dipper paused and thought.

Bill changed back keeping the golden flame in his hand.

It got windy all of a sudden, a hot wind, then a lick?

Dipper woke up to waddles licking his face.

"Waddles?" "What it was a dream....?" Dipper checked his watch it was only 8:20 Dipper sat up and thought then went down stairs for some water.

Dipper thought to him self 'I wonder if he's really a demon?'


Hey thanks for the views sort this one took so long, but hey it's done now I'm gonna sleep sense it is 2:02 in the morning and I have school tomorrow.

Your author always K.T

What is life without yaoi?!

Bill x DipperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora