Kitty Kitty

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This one is for -_-lover-_- they have asked for, Nikoslave x Master so let's jump right into it. This is also a continuation of "Come with me + part 2 so I hope you do enjoy.

Dipper woke up to some weird noises coming from the other room. He rubbed his eyes trying to focus his eyes. As he got out of bed

"Bill....?" Dipper called out. "Bill what are you doing?" Dipper asked.

"Gha!!!" A shot of bright burning yellow  ember came from Bills hand flying towards Dipper.

The shot hit dipper right in the back which made him fall to the floor.

"Dipper!!!!! Are you alright??" Bill frantically asked. Dipper groaned on the floor. "What was that?" Dipper asked. "Well my magic is acting weird..." Bill said scratching the back of his head. "Why?" Dipper asked "Well I haven't done any demon magic, you know like black magic." Bill said

Dipper slowly got of the floor. "Do you feel weird?" Bill asked. "No I feel fine." Dipper said "good." Bill said

Dipper went on with his daily duties, but then had a sudden thirst for milk. So he grabbed the milk out of the fridge and drank it.

"Dipper?! Why are you drinking straight out of the carton?" Bill asked

Dipper slowly put the carton down. "Um... yeah, sorry. I just had a really strong urge for milk."

"So why didn't you put some into a glass?" Bill said pointing to the cups.

"I'm not sure..."Dipper said

"Well do you want to watch a movie?" Bill asked.

"Yeah!" Dipper said happily

Bill goes into the living room. Dipper following not far behind. Both sat on the couch, and stated the movie.

Dipper rubs his head up and down Bills chest. "Um...Dipper what are you doing?" Bill questioned. "I'm not sure it just feels really nice." Dipper said.

"Well I think it's time to sleep." Bill grabbed Dipper and put him over his shoulder. Then upstairs they went, into the bedroom.

"You know, I didn't need you to carry me, I can walk." Dipper said "I know but it's just more fun to carry you up stairs." Bill smirked.

Bill starred off slowly "so are you sure you don't feel any different, or any kind of weird?" "No, but I'm gonna take a shower real quick." Dipper said walking towards the bathroom.

He turned on the water, then took off his clothes and climbed in. Soon after Dipper became annoyed and bothered. Feeling something rub and swish along his back. He turned around to see what it was but there was nothing there. Then felt it again. He turned even quicker determined to catch whatever it was, but again there was nothing. Dipper a bit spooked got out, and wrapping his towel around him. Finally when Dipper stood in-front of the mirror he saw the swishing brown fur rope coming from his lower back, and two brown furry ears a-top his head. He screamed Bills name.

Bill ran into the bath room coming to a stop.... "Oh Dipper...." Bill started to smile wickedly, and a evil laugh came from Bills throat.  "Some how I knew this was bound to happen, with the magic hitting you, and the way you were acting. I just knew this was bound to happen." Bill said stepping closer. Reaching a hand out to grab Dipper.

"BILL WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?" Dipper asked practically screaming at him.

Bill just laughed "Come here kitty....."

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