Be My Pet part 2

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By request of depressed-boy4 it is a puppy. Shout out to depressed-boy4 for requesting the cosplay costume for Dipper Pines in the story of "Be my pet part 2"

.........."Puppy" Bill said

"Puppy, why a Puppy?" Dipper asked
Then looked down to see a Puppy outfit. "WHAAAA... get this off of me, we're outside"

"Nope!" Bill said happily.

"Now for today you are to in a sense be my slave. You must Obey every command I give to you, and be a good little doggy. Understood?" Bill said

"No!!!!" Dipper said trying to cover his body.

"No no no, that won't do, you must answer to me as Master. And with a yes or no. Got it?"

"Yes Master." Dipper said

"Good boy. Now get up we are gonna go for a walk."

"What? I can't." Dipper said

"And why not?" Bill asked back

"Dressed like this?" Dipper asked

"Why Of corse. Don't forget your leash." Bill smirked

"Leash?" Dipper questioned.

"Yes and your caller. And remember if you disobey me their will be consequences." Bill smirked once again.

"Ready to go, Dipper?" Bill asked excitedly

"No." Dipper said

But then there was a slight sting in the back of Dippers back where his butt meets his back. But it didn't hurt.

"Let's try that again, are you ready to go out Dipper?" Bill asked again

"Hey what was that stinging?" Dipper asked

There it was again, that sting but this time it kind of hurt.

"That's not the answer I want, for a third time let's try it again. Are you ready to go out?" Bill asked holding Dipper caller tightly.

"Yes." Dipper said

"Yes what?" Bill asked

"Yes, Master." Dipper said

"Good boy." Bill said then yanked him by the caller and started walking to a near by park.

"Where are we going?" Dipper asked

"You'll see when we get there." Bill said

"What if people see me?" Dipper hesitating more to cover his body.

"So, not my problem." Bill said

"Bill~......" Dipper said

"Nch nch nch, it's not Bill it Master." Bill said

"Master please..." Dipper strained

"Fine, if your that worried have my coat."

Dipper gladly took Bills coat and put if around him self.

"How long is Thai walk?" Dipper asked

"Not much longer" Bill pulled back a branch and there they were.

"Why are we at the park?" Dipper asked

"Take it off." Bill said

"What?" Dipper was confused

"The jacket." Bill said

Dipper didn't move. "Why?"

Bill moved his hand quickly to make a triangle in the air. Then spun his finger in circles inside the triangle.

That stinging feeling came back two times worst then the first.

Dipper fell to he's knees wincing in pain?

Bill rotated his finger the other way and pain turned into pleasure.

"Now you see my pet, disobeying me will bring pain, obeying will bring pleasure. That was what that stinging you felt earlier. You see while I snapped the outfit of you, I also put a little mark on you as well. So in case you got any ideas."

"Now do as I say and take of the jacket." Bill said

Dipper didn't want to disobey and did such. "Yes Master"

The jacket dropped to the ground and Dipper bare the puppy outfit.

"You look cute, Now enjoy your treat." Bill said using magic to undo his belt and pants

Dipper slowly put his trembling lips around Bills throbbing cock.

Bill let out a long moaning sigh

Then Bill used his other hand to turn the marking on Dippers back to give him pleasure.

Dipper started moan on Bill dick, which made him turn his finger a little more then he meant too, Dipper moaned hard on Bills dick and took his mouth off crying out in pleasure.

" stop.....ahhhhhh....I-I can't .....haaahhhhhhh....take any more........haaaaaa....mmmm....Master..." Dipper moaned out.

"Be a good boy and finish what you started." Bill said

-Dippers POV-

He can't just keep....haaa... it this high can he...ahhh??

Fuck I'm just gonna have to keep going...Ahh.....I just wanna cum...fuck....

I look up at him with pleading eyes and he turns his finger a little more..... ahhhhhhh.... I'm at my limit.....

-Regular POV-


I bite his shaft just a little and he came in my mouth.

"Fuck Dipper, that felt pretty good."



Hey guys thanks for reading another one. Please continue to read them just give me ideas about what you want and I got you. Anyway I'm out night tired af school Monday gonna suck.

What is life without yaoi

Author always K.Tyler

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