My Sex Slave part 2

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Well I guess that makes 4 comments, although the person who wrote them is my friend cereal_killer__ so here we go with part two.

"I can wait till sunset." Dipper said quickly.

"Good, get ready sunset isn't far away." King Cypher said smiling.

-Dippers POV-

I know you're not supposed to question a King, but why does he want to make me his wife? I'm a man and so is he, so why?

"Is something on you're mind?" He asked me.

"Um....why do you want to marry me?" I asked him

"Because you are very beautiful, and I feel a connection with you even though I know nothing about you." He said

"So you would marry a stranger?" I asked him

"....... No more questions." He said turning away from me.

"But..-" I was cut off

"I said no more questions, now leave me." He said

I slowly got up and headed for the door. Looking back at him. Then opened it and walked out.

-King Cypher POV-

He has a good point, why am I marrying him. He's a complete stranger, but I want him to be my wife.

-The sun was slowly setting, and the time for the wedding was coming-

"Mabel, is he ready?" King Cypher asked.

"Yes." Mabel said

"Good bring him too me." King Cypher said

"Time to go." Mabel said escorting Dipper out into the the throne room where King Cypher awaits.

-This was to be a closed wedding, so that no one would know about it-

"Where's all the people?" Dipper asked.

"It's just me and you." King Cypher said

"So Dipper, be my bride." King Cypher said, not giving Dipper a choice to say no.

-Dipper just stood in silence-

"Then that shall be a yes." King Cypher said. Moving to pull Dipper. Into a passionate kiss.

"Now that we are married, let's have sex." King Cypher said happily.

"Sex?!" Dipper asked

"Yes." King Cypher said

-Travel to bed room-

"Y-Your bedroom is so big...." dipper said.

"Yes, now come here." King Cypher said

-Dipper walked over to the bed-

"Good, I want you to call me Master Bill.

"M-Master Bill?" Dipper asked

"Yes." Bill said

"Alright..." Dipper said

"Now let's get to it."

'Bill started to kiss Dipper neck, and bit it a little.'

"Ahh...mmm...." Dipper moaned.

'Then ran his hand up Dippers sides, up to his nipples, rubbing them and licking them.

Bill x DipperWhere stories live. Discover now