Part Three: Lunch

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Harry's POV

Lunch came far sooner than I had expected, me being in my last year of high school, I have 6 period luch. And usually it fucking sucks, but today I'm not in the mood for lunch.

At all.

I don't know why I invited Louis to eat with Niall and I. It was dumb.

I know that he is... Nat as,. Welcoming as normal people. And he is the captain of the soccer team making him one of the most popular and powerful people in the school.

I sat at the lunch table and waited for Niall and Louis to show up.

Niall came soon enough and Louis followed fairly quick after, his friend though didn't.

It's not that they were late to lunch it was that when they saw who he was eating with they stopped walking and just left.

Exept for one girl, and tbh I expected her to leave first, because she was absolutely the most important female in the high school food chain.

Perrie Edwards.

Everyone knew the name of this woman, everyone.

She probably just stayed here for Louis, out of pity perhaps... Yes! Out of pity.

After she and Louis had sat down Niall looked at me with curious eyes.

Lou, Louis**, must have noticed because he just laughed and shook his head while looking at Niall and I.

Niall was still confused so Louis spoke up and said "Harold over here asked so kindly if I could enjoy a fine lunch with he and his companion"

Perrine piped up at this saying "cut the shit Lou, we all know your the most improper pice of ass sucker there is"

Niall stared to laugh his ass off pointing at me.. Probably thinking something like 'why the fuck do you like this kid'

I mean it isn't my fault he's hot.

Louis looked at me with an amused smirk and Perrie was laughing along with fiall (the state when Niall has laughed so fucking hard he is on the floor).

My gaze wanderd to Louis' and he simply sated "thanks your hot too."

I blushed in realization of what happend, I looked at him straight in his gay eyes.

"fuck off... I have a problem with keeping my thoughts to myself and who said I was talking to you, maybe I was talking to Ms. Edwards?"

Her head snapped up and she had another fit of giggles and wheeze out the sputter of a sentence, "l... LasT... T-Time I che-cked... Hah my name isn't Loulou."

I blushed at the nickname I didn't remember saying and once she finished her laughter she said to call her pez because she didn't want to seem like a middle aged "cat slut".

Once she finished her sentence Niall looked at me with a dazed stare and then we all started to cry from laughing so hard when he utters six simple words.

"give me a chonce to breathe" thick Irish accent rolling off of his toung.

And yeah, maybe lunch wasn't so bad today.


Hope this slightly shorter chapter will suffice.. Im tired and stupid so I probably won't sleep until like 2:30 but itz finneee...

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