Part Two: Im In Control

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Harry's POV

Just as I had finished with my studies, I see a particularly cocky shadow enter the library

It's Louis. Of. Fucking. Course.

"Hi, sweetheart. What are you studying, love" He whispers in my fucking ear, as he takes the seat right next to mine.

Niall looked up from his snack, and started to pack up. Claiming that we "needed room to fuck", which made me turn beet read.

Louis only chuckled and actually had the audacity to say thank you.

"Harry, dear, answer me. What are you studying for?"

"oh right, well I'm studying for my algebra 3 honors class, ya know the mid terms." I nodded shyly realizing that I could have just said 'mid terms'.

Louis looked over at me and for a second I thought the world had stopped completely, his cyan blue eyes clashed with my forest green ones, in a battle of color, to fight for the others soul.

I blinked first, and he started to laugh, saying "you blinked!!" in a childlike manner.

'Man I think I love this kid'I thought to myself, or at least I thought I did because the next thing I know Louis just stared, slightly blushing?... No he is just embarrassed for me.
--Louis' POV
Did he just.. No he didn't just say he loved me.
Um. Well. Okay

"well I do think your a fit lad, but you could at least ask me out on a proper date don't you think?" i sassed back, hopefully hiding the tinted pink I feel lingering on my cheeks.

He's dimple pop out, as he charmingly smiles saying "at least I don't blush when ugly nerds accidentally tell me they love me."

I smiled but it turned into a frow when, his words sunk in, "Harry, your not ugly. Your beautiful."

Okay, totally not creepy.

"really", was the only word to run off of his lip, and instead of answering I just nugged his ribs with my elbow, slightly slugging into is side.

He practically preens and purrs.

"um, I k ow you have plenty of other people you can hang out with, but um.. C-can, if you wann-"

"Harry, baby, breath for me, breathe." I shush him as he was rambling.

"O-okay um, do you wanna maybe, like, eat lunch with me and Niall today, like if you want to?... Maybe?" he bashfully mumbles, in the cutest way, might I add.

"yeh, maybe I could have some of my friends come too? I mean like not Liam or Zayn, but some other people?" I ask faking confidence.

Harry doesn't speak anymore just makes a little nod then goes back to his books.

I hum in acknowledgment, and we fall into comfortable silence, me playing on my phone with him studying.

The bell rung and the sharp whispers from Harry run into my ear

"I'll see you soon." He breathes into my ear making sure his lips touched the shell of it.

Scence when does he have control.

I see him stride toward the exit of the library, so I walk faster and grab him from the back of the shirt.

Turning him around against the wall as I slid my thigh between his, pushing slightly and slowly.

I make little kisses on his neck before I start to nibble on the lobe of his ear before sensually dragging my mouth under his jaw.

A few whimpers and a couple more nips, I come back up to his ear to slowly, making sure to have my breath run down his throat, "Babe, let stop pretending that your in control. The fact is, that we both know your just waiting, pulsing, for me to be inside of you, but.... You can wait.". I said the last part in the most innocent voice I could muster, and I heard him whimper once more time.

So I step back and ghost my lips on his, almost pressing down, only to pull away and wink.

Leaving his mouth agape and him late to class yet again.

This ones a bit longer, I think I will continue to write the chapters at this length. Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed the read this time. Feedback is Welcomed , votes and comments are appreciated. ♥️♥️♥️

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