Chapter 2

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Percy's point of view

It had been a couple days since I'd become a god, and I decided that I should really contact my mom and Paul and let them know what has happened to me. Although I wasn't eager to talk about how Annabeth had betrayed me I knew they deserved to know the truth. Despite that, I was still going to try and avoid telling them about my failed suicide attempt. I kind of felt guilty about it now since I realized how devastated they would have been if I'd succeeded.

When I'd done it I hadn't really been thinking about them or my friends, but since then I'd realized that trying to kill myself probably hadn't been the best idea. I wasn't sure if accepting Immortality was the best idea either, but I would have to live with my choice. Sure, I knew the gods could probably take away my immortality, but I doubted they would do it even if I wanted them to. Even if they were willing to do it, it seemed like the fates wanted me to be a god, so I doubted they would let me give up my new position even if I wanted to.

For now, I think I'm okay with my choice, and hopefully, it will stay that way. Eventually, once I complete some of my training I will have to visit the camps to reintroduce myself to them. Thankfully though that won't be for a while since I haven't learned much yet. I suspect that when I do visit the camps they will probably shocked to learn that I had chosen godhood. Chiron will probably be less shocked since he's lived such a long time, there's probably not much that will surprise him.

After a lesson with Apollo, I went to my dad's palace. That's where I would be staying until mine was built. I wasn't really surprised that Triton and Amphitrite weren't exactly pleased by this, but I guess I couldn't blame them since I was technically more powerful than them both now even though I didn't know much about my powers yet. On top of that, they'd never really liked me to begin with.

One upside to staying in my dad's palace was that I could see Tyson when he wasn't working in the forges and since I hadn't seen him in a while that was nice. I decided that although I didn't really want to talk about what had happened to me I was going to Iris message my mom and Paul and tell them at least some of what had happened to me.

When I did they were pleased to hear from me, but they clearly noticed the slight differences in my appearance caused by me becoming a god. I was sure they could also tell that there was something bothering me, and I knew it wouldn't be long before they would ask about it. One of the first questions my mom asked was, "Percy what's wrong?"

I replied, "I found Annabeth cheating on me,"

Of course, they tried to reassure me that everything would be okay and eventually I would move on. As much as I wanted to believe their words were true I just couldn't bring myself to believe them yet, Annabeth had been everything to me and that made it hard to believe that I could be happy again. Their next question was why I looked different.

Truthfully the only differences in my appearance were that I was a little taller and more muscular but nothing else had changed other than the fact I was obviously more powerful than before.

I replied, "After what Annabeth did I left camp Jupiter, I just couldn't make myself stay when she was still there. I was out on my own for a while but eventually, I got hurt badly and if the fates hadn't sent me to Apollo we probably wouldn't be talking right now,"

Yes, technically I was vague about how I got hurt but it was hard enough to talk about how Annabeth had betrayed me. I would probably admit the truth to them eventually, but I knew that wasn't going to be for a while. I continued my explanation and told them how I'd chosen to become a god. Obviously, this news shocked them but after it sunk in it seemed they were okay with my choice.

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