Chapter 15

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A/N Sorry this took so long, I have been dealing with a pretty bad case of writer's block for a while now, but here is an extra long chapter for anyone who is still interested in this story. 

Percy's pov

Ever since I got my new swords, I haven't really needed Riptide even though I still have it. My new swords are my symbols of power, so I use them now. I have been trying to decide what to do with Riptide for a while, and although I have a pretty good idea, I haven't totally made up my mind yet. I couldn't help but wonder what Zoe would think, would she have been happy with who its next owner will probably be? I think she would, but I doubt she would be all that happy with me if she was still here.

If she had found out about me dating Apollo and that I had slept around, and that had resulted in me having four kids. Not to mention that It's not quite three years since I became a god, and all but two of those kids were from different Women, and the two that weren't were a set of twins. Yeah, I really don't think she would be happy with me if she was still alive and somehow found out about all that.

For the same reasons, I'm sure Artemis will be pissed when she finds out about my kids, but I probably won't have to worry about that at least until Silvia grows up. Unfortunately since she will probably be a goddess She will grow up more quickly than my demigod children would, and not just because she was born first. It will probably be a matter of weeks, probably a bit over a month and she will become an adult. Once that happens The fates will announce her domains, and the demigod camps will have to be informed of her existence, unless she ends up being only Roman, if that ends up being the case, Camp Jupiter will still need to be told about her so they can respect her, and build a temple for her. Regardless, everyone will find out about her sooner or later. The twins will probably stay secret the longest since I doubt anyone will find out about them until they are teens and they have to go to Camp Half Blood.

It's hard to say when People will find out that Olivia's baby is mine, after she has the baby I will continue to visit her to help her, and if someone happens to see us together the secret will probably be out. If that doesn't happen someone might figure it out if our child ends up looking like me. I'm sure someone will figure it out before our child becomes a teen and starts training with the legion.

For now, I'm not too concerned about someone finding out, the demigods would probably be surprised but I doubt they would care all that much. Annabeth is probably the only one who might make a fuss about it, and I'm not really concerned about her. She can't criticize me without being a hypocrite considering how she behaved after she dumped me.

rather than dwelling on what if scenarios I decided to pay Camp Jupiter a visit, and not just because of Olivia, although I will visit her when I'm there. Hopefully, I won't run into Annabeth while I'm there, but if I do I'll deal with it. She has been nothing but Annoying ever since I became a god, more than once I've been tempted to just blast her into a pile of ashes, but if I did that I would probably piss off Athena even though I don't think she's very happy with Annabeth after how she has been acting. There's also the fact that Annabeth has a child, so I'm not going to take a child's mother from them.

Anyway, once I got to Camp Jupiter, I spoke to Frank and Reyna for a while, before going to walk through the camp toward New Rome. On the way there I ran into Hazel and she asked how I have been doing so I talked to her as well before continuing on to go visit Olivia. Not long after I entered New Rome I ran into Annabeth. Great, note sarcasm. She asked me, "What are you doing here,"

I rolled my eyes, before replying, "Annabeth I'm the god of Heroes, it's part of my duties to check on the demigod camps every now and then to make sure nothing is wrong,"

"That doesn't explain why you are in New Rome, All you need to do to find that out is to talk to Frank and Reyna,"

"I did talk to them, and I have other reasons for coming into the city, but those reasons are none of your business, demigod. You need to learn to mind your own business rather than everyone else's. I am tired of you bothering me nearly every time I come to this camp. The next time I come, if you bother me, you will regret it, and don't bother trying to follow me either, even with your hat, if it still works, You can't hide from me. I am the god of heroes, I would know since despite your recent actions you still qualify for that title,"

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