Chapter 16

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AN, Well, I finally finished another chapter for this story despite my writer's block. I have also started the next one, I hope you enjoy it

Percy's Pov

It seemed like the next few weeks flew by, and nothing out of the ordinary happened, I just took care of my duties, and spent time with some of the people I care about, but especially Silvia, Apollo and Olivia. I also visited Lisa a few times to help her with the twins. Now I'm sure Olivia will also have our baby soon, probably any day now, so I have been visiting her even more to make sure she's okay and help her with anything that she finds difficult in her current condition. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before the other gods and the demigods find out about at least one if not two of my children. Once they're born, word could get out that Olivia's baby is also mine. But Silvia has also been growing like a weed, and that means that if she's going to be a goddess she will get her domains soon and the other gods and the demigods will have to know about her once she does.

The other gods have accepted the fact that Apollo and I are together, and although the majority of them were surprised when they found out they don't seem to care anymore which is fine with us. I'm not sure if Artemis has completely accepted our relationship, but she hasn't tried to stop us so that's all that matters to me, although I would rather not have her angry at us either. I had already come to the conclusion that no matter what happens in the future I will deal with it whether I like it or not. Now that most of my kids have already been born I'm not worried anymore about if I am a good dad or not. I'm just doing the best I can and so far that seems to be enough considering that both Fortuna and Lisa have said they think I'm a good dad, and Apollo had said much the same when he saw me looking after Silvia a few weeks ago.

I'm happy with how my life has turned out, even if it's nothing like how I had originally thought it might go. Right now Apollo and I are in my palace, and my lips were pressed against his, as we were in the middle of a heated make-out session. We stayed like that for a while, enjoying our time alone. Eventually, though, we were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat to get my attention. Apollo and I separated before looking to see who it was, although I already had my suspicions. Once I looked my suspicions were confirmed. As I saw an Iris message from Olivia, I said, "Sorry, What's wrong? Is it time?"

She replied, "Yes,"

I nodded and turned to Apollo, "Sorry, but I should go, I will come see you again tomorrow,"

Although I had never mentioned Olivia to him he could obviously figure out that Olivia was pregnant and since it was me she was contacting I'm sure he would assume that her baby was also mine. Because he understood he nodded and agreed to that. I left to be there for Olivia while she was having our baby. Once I got to her apartment she said, "Sorry about that, but I need you here,"

I replied, "It's fine, I told you that you should contact me, and in hindsight, it's not surprising that you saw me with Apollo since we spend a lot of time together. I told Apollo I would see him tomorrow, and he understood and agreed,"

Olivia managed a weak smile despite the painful contractions she was experiencing. I took Olivia to the building where the camp's healers work. I'm sure they guessed that I am the baby's father, but for now, they didn't say anything and just got to work. I stood beside Olivia and supported her as she suffered through contractions before eventually pushing out our baby boy. We had discussed names, and in the end, we had settled on Mark. That name was her idea, but I agreed with it.

By now it had to be obvious to the healers that I was Mark's father considering everything that we had said since we got there, if they hadn't guessed that just because I was there with Olivia. The healers were going to keep Olivia there for another day or two just to be sure that she would be alright. I stayed there with her and Mark for a while So I could help and be sure that they were okay. Eventually, though I had to return to Olympus for a while to take care of my duties and I was also planning on visiting Apollo And trying to make up for the fact that I had to leave early last night.

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