Chapter 17

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Percy's POV

I was still at Olivia's, now that Mark was settled down we were just sitting on her couch and talking. she eventually asked me a question that I wasn't expecting, although it didn't completely shock me considering the conversation we had recently had with Annabeth and some of the things I had said during it.

she asked, "How many other people have you been with anyway? I've suspected for a while that you have probably been with more people than just me, once I found out about your relationship with Apollo I suspected it even more, it didn't really bother me, you're a god so you can do what you want, but after what you said to Annabeth I'm just curious. I won't judge you or be upset if the answer is a lot. my mother is literally the goddess of sex, so I'm not going to judge you."

I shrugged and had to think for a moment because I hadn't really been keeping track of how many people I had been with. Although I had been with quite a few people at this point, I wasn't the kind of person who would brag about it so I just hadn't bothered to keep track. I replied, "I haven't exactly been keeping track, but after thinking about it, probably around twenty different people counting you and Apollo, most of those were one-night stands that I haven't seen since, or at the very least haven't been with since,"

This time her eyebrows rose, I'm not sure she was expecting the number to be quite that high which both amused and concerned me. after a short silence, she commented, "You've been busy,"

I let out an awkward chuckle, "Not so much now as I used to be. eleven of those happened before Apollo and I got together, since then I've been happy with him most of the time,"

She asked, "What's going to become of us then? Are we just friends now or will our relationship stay the same?"

I thought for a moment before replying, "I think it can stay the same for now, I will be coming fairly often to help you with Mark anyway, I don't see why we shouldn't enjoy ourselves if he's asleep and we happen to be in the mood,"

she nodded, seeming satisfied with that response.

I knew that once we eventually started having sex again I would make sure we used protection, I was sure that neither of us wanted another child for a while. four was more than enough for me for a while. Even though I do love all my kids, I have had enough of them for a while. The same goes for anyone else I might sleep with anytime soon, except for Apollo obviously, I'm not saying I don't want any more kids at all, I just have enough for a while. Once the ones I have are at least a few years older, then I might be perfectly fine with having more kids, for now, I'm just happy to help take care of the ones I have. We were silent for a few moments, but Olivia eventually asked, "Since you have been with quite a few people, do you have other children besides Mark?"

I replied, "Yes, three, two girls and another boy. The other boy and one of the girls are fraternal twins. She seemed a bit surprised by that, although all she said in response was, "At least I didn't end up with twins or triplets, since you seem to be very fertile,"

I chuckled before replying a bit sheepishly, "I'm starting to think that may be something that comes with being a god considering how many kids the rest of them have, although I would never want that many myself,"

She nodded, and I continued, "You probably would have found out about my other daughter Silvia soon anyway, since her mother and I believe she will probably become a goddess soon,"

Olivia asked, "What goddess is her mother then?"

I replied, "Fortuna,"

Olivia was a bit surprised, but she got over it quickly. We talked for a while longer, although I managed to change the subject from my sex life, and my children, because even though Olivia wasn't judging me for the number of people I have been with, or the fact that I have other children, the conversation had still been kind of awkward. Eventually, Mark started crying again, and I went and looked after him. Not too long after, I left and returned to Olympus.

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