Everyone knows that I am not married or even engaged, so I had to try to avoid her knowing by just someone else who only wanted to gossip about everything. That will be a horrible problem that can't be easily fixed. But I also had to not let her know that I am not her father by flesh and blood.

Only Gai knows her, and he had to pretend that he knew that I had a daughter and that is Miki, for the sake of the secrecy.


I turned my eyes towards her direction for succeeding to get my attention.

"I'm bored and I wanna talk to someone. For short, its boring. Wait, may I rephrase it? YOU'RE BORING!" She rants as she carelessly just let her body slam her back on the bed.

I released a long deep sigh. I don't understand what does she really want.

I do understand she was trying to get attention, but I don't understand what kind of attention she's seeking.

"Sorry, but father isー"

"Busy. And? I'll talk to you later after this chapter," she said, cutting me in the middle of my sentence then she released a deep sigh as she imitates the way I speak to her.

"Uncle Gai was on a mission. Right, dad?" She asked, I just hummed saying yes in response.

"Why? You missed him?" I asked, trying to tease her.

Since this kid arrived on my life, my schedule become tighter. But I can't blame her, I agreed to this after all.

She's the kind of kid that is so talkative. It annoys me a lot sometimes, most of it when she asked me many questions.

Not just questions, it was tricky and bizarre questions that probably someone with the same braincells as her would understand, that I just bluntly gave her an invented answers that could match her mental thinking.

But there are times I like the way it is. When the time gets boring and all you have to do is listen on her pixie stories about her hello kitty and her bizarre adventures. She's quite funny in her own way.

I can't concentrate reading if the atmosphere is too noisy, so I had no choice but to drop it and play with her plush toys that sometimes it had themes like tea party or cooking. If we aren't playing any toy, I had to listen to her stories. Then I'll continue reading when she's tired or I have to cook for our dinner.

Everything she does today and what I told you guys, we are just scratching the surface here. She's a handful, but it's hard to hate her.

But come to think of it, maybe all of these is all part of parenting, right?

"I'm so fed up with my life!" She complained. I peered at her, she was starring at the ceiling and to the ceiling fan, watching it spins. "Dad won't notice me."

I wonder if she was thinking again about that ceiling fan as a mini-windmill that I stole somewhere again. (ーー")

She asked why that ceiling fan looks exactly like a windmill, a small version of windmill. She says that maybe that was the windmill outside the village then I made a jutsu to make it smaller to fit on my bag then bring it home.

First, I got worried. How did she knew about that windmill near the village?

Second, she could have said that I his it on the scroll then summon it later when I got home. That's more convincing story, don't you think?

I asked her anything else for her to know about the windmill, but she just yelled at me, "you got fooled!!"

She just knew about that windmill when she saw the map I left in my work desk.
And yeah, I taught her how to read when I have a time to spend with her. Letting her play always looks like I was neglecting her and the mission. I think she's a genius, so I didn't waste any sympathy if she will somehow cry for not understanding any lessons.

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