"No, you choose," I said.

"I want you to choose," Peridot responded. "I don't want to end up making the wrong decision and end up taking you to a place that you won't like."

"I trust you," I said. "You can make a decision."

Peridot looked away and glared at the wall. "Okay," she replied. "But you can at least think a little bit while I come up with my decision just in case?"

"Fine," I said. "I'll do it for you."

I kissed her cheek, and she smiled. We continued to cuddle with each other and watch some drama that Yellow was playing on the television. I could hear her reactions from the kitchen.

"Do you two want anything to drink?" She asked.

"I'm alright, thank you," I responded.

"Can I have a cup of tea?" Peridot asked, turning around to face her mother. "With honey, please."

I heard Yellow walked away, and Peridot turned back around to watch the show on the television again. She wrapped one arm around me and laid the other on one of the couch's armrests.

"Do you think it'd be like this every day if we were married?" She asked.

"I thought you had a decision to make," I said.

"I'm taking a break from that for a second," Peridot responded.

"Wouldn't we need money?" I asked.

"Werewolves help each other out," Peridot answered. "We'd be fine with that."

"Huh," I said. "You've really got this all planned out, don't you?"

"I have for a while," Peridot responded. "Everything should go as planned."

"Imprint stuff is weird," I said, giggling. "How did that even feel to you?"

Peridot turned to me with her eyes wide. She blinked, not saying anything.

"Have I never told you?" She asked.

"You haven't," I answered.

"My stars," she said. "I didn't realize I never told you."

"So what happened?" I asked.

"You came and sat next to me at lunch that day," Peridot answered. "You know me back then. Mom probably told you. I wasn't interested in the other humans. I never felt like I fit in. I saw you sit down, and the moment I looked at your face, I saw everything."

"Everything?" I asked.

"I saw you standing in front of me, and I saw you sitting close to me. I saw everything about...us," Peridot said. "When that stopped, I suddenly realized that I felt this way for you, and I hadn't even said or heard a word."

"That sounds crazy," I whispered.

"Now I need to hear word from you," Peridot said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Pool or beach?" Peridot responded.

I rolled my eyes. "You haven't given me the chance to think," I said.

"Sorry," Peridot replied. "I got distracted. This is just my plans for our life together. The one I saw that day. You were always happy, and I wanted it to be that way."

"You can't keep me happy constantly," I said. "That's just not possible."

"I wish it was," Peridot mumbled. She cleared her throat. "I could make you happy if I took you to the place of your preference."

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