Taking liberty I took the time to look at the reception. Fairy lights hung around creating warmth paired with swinging lanterns from the cherry blossom trees. Fresh pale pink and white peonies and partnered with said lanterns danced to the tiniest amount of breeze that you could just feel. In the middle the dance floor, huge with fairy lights around it. A DJ on the right with a little stage for any live music to be played throughout the night and tables of sweets and treats of bake goods on the left. Behind, tables upon tables. Our family on the closest four to the front, with guests behind, while our friends sat on each side to us. The table pieces consisted of flickering candles of different sizes vanilla in scent adorned in rings of fresh flowers and leaves. Small boxes of gold favours on the plates. I took in faces, smiling and laughing, a small community, looking up at our tables my eyes met his youngest sisters who sat right next to me. Her smile smug and filled with loving mirth as she watched my legs on her brother. I couldn't help the blush that flushed across my body as I looked away.

As the beginnings of food being served came into sight, I made the attempt of moving, to sit up and eat. Key word being attempted. Jasper's hand clamped down on my legs holding them in place as our table was staring to be served. And usually I would have fought against his hold. But it felt to good having my feet up and they way that his hand ran up and down my smooth calves, inching up my dress, I couldn't help but let him have his way. I had hold my plates in my hands because of being sideways which was a little hard as they were a little hot. But I didn't mind. There was more comfort in the feeling of rough hands.

As dessert came around I guess he realised my discomfort as he did something I couldn't imagine. Jasper's hand fell across mine stopping me from enjoying what I was most looking forward to, my sweet tooth aching from the need of sugary goodness. As I was about to create a fuss, my eyes starting to narrow he picked up my spoon, breaking into the tiramisu bringing it up to my lips. Stunned wordlessly I opened my mouth to take the bite, wordlessly he fed me as we fell into our own bubble where it felt like only us. Like the world outside became outside noise despite the hooting and camera flashes as they captured a moment of intimacy. Even as we finished our eyes never left each other, constantly drawn to each other.

It was the shake on the shoulder that broke me out of my reverie, making me rip my eyes away from the intensity of the glowing green that seemed to turn into a dark emerald. The break ensued with speeches. Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes from laughing as his friends and family recounted stories. Tears fell as they spoke highly with the love and warmth they felt for us both. My face turned red following the embarrassing stories told by my own friends. And in this time without realisation I was seated on the lap of my so called husband, head leaning against his chest with a hand on his arm. His arms wrapped around me in a comforting and loving embrace, his head resting on top of my own.

Warmth seeped through me from as we sat in the chilling evening, the day becoming night as the first dance of the night was declared. Looking up I shook my head eyes wide in panic. If there was one thing I Piper Cartwright could not do was dance.

"I can't Jasper!" I whispered harshly, head shaking furiously.

With a eye roll he stated, "come on love, just follow me."

He left no room to argue. Pulling himself up with me along, he took my hand patiently waiting as I slipped my feet back into my death trap heels. A kiss on the head in an act of reassurance he led me to the centre of the dance floor. The laugh that escaped my lips as the song not lost on him as mirth shone in his eyes. The same song that played when we met and I hit him square in the jaw before kneeing him. He didn't hold back so nothing could be said for either of us.

His hand rested in the curve of my ass. The heat travelled through the thin layer of my gown. The cape removed before we hit the floor. It was simple compared to my wedding dress. Thin straps held the top over my chest the curve showing a hint of cleavage. It fell like silk clinging to my body like second skin. A little train that have it the fairytale look. The back ended mid back going across, yet the heat from his hand travelled up warming any bare skin. The cape was the length of the train and did absolutely nothing for the cold. Hundreds of crystals were embezzled into the intro rose pattern that made it up.

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