The Fall

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I ran up Mt. Ebott as fast as possible, trying not to trip. I wanted to see if people really did disappear up here.       

When I finally made it up I was a bit out of breath. I looked around and spotted a gaping hole in the mountains ground. I approached it, still panting slightly.

"So that's how they disappear" I murmured to myself. I took a step closer, leaning forward but tripped over a loose root. I quickly plummeted down into the darkness below.

I opened my eyes to find myself on a bed of flowers. I got to my feet and noticed a doorway. I walked through it, hoping for it to be the way out. I stopped a few steps into the room. There in the center of the room was a buttercup with a face.

"Howdy, I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower" said the little flower.

'I already don't trust this' I thought to myself as he continued.

"Your new to the 'Underground' aren't ya?" he questioned.

'Think so?' I thought sarcasticly.

"Golly you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old be will have to do. Ready? Here we go!" he said quickly. Suddenly everything was black and white, except a heart in front of me. It was red and had purple streaks. Flowey stared for a second before continuing.

"See that heart? That's your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but you can grow strong if you gain LV" he said with a distant look in his eyes.

'What's that?' I thought.

"What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE of course! You want some LOVE don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" he offered with a smile.

"Not even gonna let me get a word in are you?" I asked too quietly for him to hear.

"Down here LOVE is shared through...little white... 'friendliness pellets'. Are you ready? Move around. Get as many as you can!" he told me. The pellets flew by, but not trusting him, I dodged them with little effort.

"You missed them, try again" he said. I dodged them again with a bit more difficult. I could tell, he was getting mad.

"No offense, but I just met you and there is no way i'm just gonna trust you" I said. His face twisted into a dark frown. He started talking again, but I didn't want to hear it. I tuned him out, being stubborn until I heard him screech.

"DIE" he yelled. His stupid little pellets surrounded me.

'Am I gonna die?' I questioned. Then suddenly a fire ball knocked him away and the pellets disappeared.

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