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Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or its characters.

It was in the middle of the day when Dean Winchester decided that it was the perfect time to go out and go to the store to stock up on supplies for The Bunker. It's been a while since they last went to the store for anything and Sam was practically begging Dean to go out while he was doing some research on a possible case he had found. Since Dean had nothing better to do and he would just flat out refuse to do any research with Sam whatsoever, he decided that it would be the time to go out for the supplies. As long as it would shut Sam up about it, and of course it was getting him out of doing research. It was a double win for Dean.

As Dean was putting the grocery bags in the trunk of the Impala, he noticed a small child walking down the street holding a bundle of blankets in his arms. The child appeared to be sick, he was almost stumbling with every step that he took. God knows what he had within the bundle of blankets there... The sight was breaking Dean's heart... He watched the child as he almost walked past him.

"You okay?" Dean finally asked him as he was about half-way passed him and the car. The kid turned around and looked up at Dean, his cheeks were sunken in and looked completely miserable. "Are you lost or somethin'?" Dean tried talking to him again.

"No... I..." The kid looked around at his surroundings before looking back up at Dean. "I don't think so..."

"Where are your parents at?"

"Don't have any. I'm waiting for my brother to come back for us, that's all." That's when Dean noticed that the kid was holding a child that appeared to be four or five in the blankets.

"How long has it been since he left you two?"

"Two weeks...? At least. I lost count."

"Two weeks?" Dean repeated to make sure that he had heard him correctly.

"Yeah, he said to-" The kid was interrupted when he coughed some blood up into his hand. "...to wait out here until he came back for us."

"I think you're seriously sick..."

"My little brother isn't doing any better, but we're gonna make it until he comes back. We always do."

"I should probably take you two to the doctors, dont'cha think? To get you checked out and all."

"That... That would be..." Before he could finish his sentence he passed out to the ground, still holding onto his brother in the bundle of blankets close.

"Son of a bitch..." Dean muttered to himself as he slammed the Impala trunk shut and ran over to the kids who were still laying on the ground, not moving at all. He gently picked them both up and carried them to his car, he opened the backseat and place both of the children inside. The child that was wrapped up in the blankets was extremely pale and had messy dark hair, the kid had said that they were both brothers but they didn't look anything alike. He'd wish that he had caught their names.. That's something that he would have to worry about later though... Right now he had to get these kids to the hospital.

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