9. Glitter and Tomatoes

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"Hahahaha" Luke bursts out laughing while I'm covered in freaking glitter.
There are two things you don't mess with. One, my face, two MY HAIR.
"Oh man that was hilarious!". Luke is clutching his stomach laughing at me.
Oh wait let me rewind.
After school, Luke drove me home as he has been since the first day he kidnapped me. This of course is not my idea as I have been trying to get rid of the boy, but he just can't seem to remove himself from my life. No matter how clear I have made it that I want nothing to do with him. Anyway, he always invites himself into my house so that's where we are now. I came home grabbed an apple then started making more flyers for homecoming. I have to get on top of this or I will soon, no longer have a running platform. Unfortunately the T's aren't here to help me and with Luke the brainless bone head here, it's almost impossible to get anything done. I had all of my supplies laid out on the floor, including the glitter that is currently poured all over me. Luke poked at me, made jokes, tons of sexual ones, and he basically had just found so many ways to frustrate me. I have managed to ignore him and every attempt at causing me so much inner frustration. That is until he crosses the line.

At one moment while I was working, I noticed that there was silence, and all of the jokes had stopped. I was curious as I looked up off of my flyer. My cheeks immediately became red when I noticed that Luke had just been staring at me intently for a good five minutes.
"What?" I ask.
Luke furrows his eyebrows then shakes his head. "Nothing Tiff, nothing."
He responds. I look at him skeptically before saying,
"Sure didn't seem like nothing with the way you were drooling over me."
Luke's eyes light up with amusement. That can't be good.
"Oh yeah. But I do recall that you turned red as a tomato when you noticed me looking at you." My cheeks redden again.
"Yes just like that I believe." Luke says while pointing at me.
"S-shut u-up" I stutter.
"Am I affecting you Honeybun?" Luke says while coming towards me slowly.
"As if" I say, however my breathlessness gives it a less confident effect than I was going for. Luke continues coming closer. Slowly crawling towards me.
"Are you shy because of me Honeybun?" He continues.
Luke has finally reached me and he brings his face so close that moving one inch would smash our faces into each other.
"Am I making you tingly inside? Is my closeness making you uncomfortable?"
Luke asks as he whispers in my ear. His voice has dropped at least two octaves lower and he's speaking in a husky voice. I am just sitting there speechless.
"Honeybun" he sighs into my ears before nibbling my ear after letting it out. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure where to go. All I can do is sit there motionless while Luke goes on with his tricks. Luke then backs up just so he can lift up his left hand and stroke my cheek ever so gently. There is barely a touch. My heart beat is picking up. Then I notice him slowly leaning in towards my face again whilst holding my face up to him still. Is he going to do what I think he is? Again? This can't be happening. My heart is basically jumping out of my chest. Even with all of this I'm still just sitting there. He's centimeters from my lips, then all of a sudden, his right hand moves so suddenly and quickly that I almost don't catch it as he grabs the bowl  of glitter from the floor behind him and dumps it ALL OVER ME.
That's where we're at now as he just can't stop laughing.
He holds his mouth trying to stop himself from laughing but is horribly failing.
"I'm sorry I just.." he says before laughing some more.
A tomato couldn't be compared to the color my face is right now. The anger is rising in me more than ever before.
"Get out!" I scream.
Thats what gets his attention. He stops laughing even though I know he is laughing so hard inside.
"I'm sorry Honeybun. I was just messing around." he says.
"Get. Out." I spit.
Knowing I'm obviously mad, Luke decided to listen and exits my room.

A few minutes after he leaves, I don't hear any noise downstairs, and I decide to take a bath as I feel extremely uncomfortable in my skin right now. I stayed in the tub wallowing in my embarrassment for almost an hour. When I start pruning. I know that I should probably get out. I wrapped myself in a towel and exited the bathroom.

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