15. Shrek's Uglier Twin

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Once again, I find myself standing in front of my mirror, head held as high as I can lift, and a bright red lipstick in my hand like a battle ax, bracing myself for the war I am about to embark upon.

I slowly take the lipstick to my mouth, making sure I work with precision, as I apply the red color perfectly. With a few more tweaks made to the neat voluminous curls draped past my shoulders, I grab the fresh batch of flyers placed neatly on my dresser and slip them into the pockets of my pink Homecoming folder before transferring them to my designer bag and placing it on my shoulder. I run my hand across the black mini blazer covering my pink V-neck tight fitting top, and continue the motion past the black box pleat mini skirt. I look in the standing mirror and glide my eyes down to my seven-inch pink pumps in the matching color of my top. I lift one foot up to my butt as I turn and examine myself in the mirror. Almost there.

I open the top right drawer of my dresser and pull out a pair of black, square, personality glasses and place them on my face. I smile as I look into the mirror.
"Perfect." I say to myself.

Today is a big day. It is my first day back from break and the day after that leech Jasmine Bee decided to post her lies about me on that sad blog of hers. I have to pull out all the stops today and work my absolute hardest to get the polls back in my favor. Heaven forbid I let Rachel get that one percentage over me. I truly do not know what I would do with myself if I was not the winner; If I lost my popularity. I can not have anyone else giving up on me or forgetting about me. I can't deal with it, I just can't.

I don't even know why I am thinking about this because there is no way that could ever happen. I shake the thoughts from my mind as I give myself one last glance in the mirror and leave my room.
As I am descending the stairs, I smell that delicious pancake scent that never fails to make my mouth water.

"Hey Tiffy!" My mom beams as I enter the kitchen.
"Morning mom." I smile as I take a seat at the island.
"You're not driving today?" My mom asks as she continues working through the kitchen.
"No the T's are picking me up today. We need to be a united front today more than ever. This is war mom, and I intend to be the victor." I tell my mom as I lean across the island and narrow my eyes for dramatic effect.
"Alright, alright, I get it." My mom laughs as she raises her hands in surrender.

"Well that means you have time to eat some breakfast before you go." My mom says as she places a plate in front of me.
I look at the plate of warm, deliciously scenting flour cakes in front of me and debate for a moment. God knows I love these pancakes but for the next few days or weeks... or months, I need to look my best, so it is probably best that I leave out the carbs for a little while.
"No thanks mom. I'm afraid if I put anything in my stomach I will throw it up faster than I could choke it down because of these nerves." I say as I reluctantly watch the heaven sent, golden stack pull away from me.
My mom frowns for a moment before saying "Okay then. Well drink some water at least."
I nod before picking up my pink water cup and taking some sips from the straw.

My phone chimes and lights up with a notification from Taylor.


Taylor : were outside babe

Me: omw out rn


"The T's are here mom. Love you, byee." I kiss my mom goodbye as I rush out of the kitchen.
"Okay honey, I'll see you later!" My mom yells after me.

I walk out the front door and head towards the black Mercedes as the T's grin in my direction while waving.
"Hey girlss!" I chirp as I kiss my friends on the cheek through the front window and hold onto the door handle ready to open the door. That's when his voice sounds from behind me.
"Morning ladies." He says. I can hear the smirk in his voice.
I turn around and am faced with Luke striding towards us.

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